Spirited and mischievous, Naruto is an orphan living in a hidden ninja village who, thanks to the sacrifice of the last Hokage ninja years before, carries the Nine-Tailed Fox Spirit within him. The 13 episodes collected here follow the powerful and endearing young prankster as he tries to do whatever it takes to become the next Hokage, training with his friends and fighting evil at every opportunity. For your consideration is Naruto box set 8 - with story book . This is a 3 disc set. Disc's have been cleaned, buffed and play as new. Please refer to pictures for details and condition Maybe while you're here, you could check out the thousands of other items in my booth, just click here Many of the items offered are in wonderful pre-owned condition unless otherwise noted. Item is sold as is. Every attempt is made to describe the item as accurately as possible. If you need additional pictures to make a more informed decision, just ask, I'm more than happy to provide whichever angle you request International Buyers - International Customs and VAT Fees: It is the responsibility of the buyer to pay all Customs Taxes, VAT or other fees that may be due upon arrival at your location outside of the U.S. These fees vary from country to country and our policy is that the buyer is responsible for their country's taxes and fees. Please consult your country's Customs Regulations for more details concerning your country's import regulations as printed matter is duty free in many countries. We are required by law to declare the full purchase value on all foreign packages we send. |