This is a Dear Dad a Beautiful Tribute Verse Framed & Matted (#1539) What a beautiful Father’s Day, Birthday or Christmas Gift!!! It is written in beautiful script by Helen Bush, Verse and Art Copyright 1997 Leiden. It reads, “Dear Dad”, Fathers set an example for us, Of what life is all about, Then often they are overlooked, When praise is handed out. I’ve seldom taken time to say, How much you mean to me~ I was taking it for granted, That it’s something you can see. But what if you have never known, These thoughts that are in my heart? I’ve waited too long to make them plain, So I’m hurrying now to start. Thank you, Dad, for the love and care, That you have always shown. I appreciate you more each day, Now that I am grown. I love you! “The matting is double layered in Burgundy and Forest Green in a Wood Frame. It measures 15 1/8 by 12 1/8 inches, #380F. It has a bar on the back for hanging. It is in excellent condition, absolutely no chips, cracks or scratches of any kind. (Please see pix)