**GROWN ON OUR FARM HERE IN TENNESSEE** ***HOTT CAJUN TABASCO SEEDS*** Photo Sun: Full sun Harvest Size: 2 inches long x 0.6 inches wide Days to Harvest: 76 Plant size: 26 to 38 inches tall and wide Scoville units: 35,000 to 55,000 (hot) If you love Tabasco sauce, add a few Tabasco pepper plants to your garden. These smoky flavored chile-style peppers are used to make the famous hot sauce from Avery Island, Louisiana. Peppers ripen from yellow-green to orange to red, with heat increasing the redder fruits become. Photo Plants are prolific, yielding hundreds of small fruits that bring strong heat to dishes. They produce well in many conditions, In frost-free areas, plants live for years! Tabasco peppers also adapt well to growing in containers. Photo The blood flow increases and the endorphins start flowing! Their faces turn red, the sweat starts rolling, their eyes and noses water and there's a fiery sensation that spreads across their tongues and down their throats! Photo The pepper can be grown from seeds in most all parts of the world. Photo Caution: The fruits of this chile variety are extremely hot. It is advised to wear gloves when handling the peppers, keep them away from children, and thoroughly clean all kitchen utensils like cutting boards, knives etc. When grinding dried , wear a breathing mask, protect your eyes. Don't touch any sensitive parts anytime, anywhere!