**GROWN ON OUR FARM HERE IN TENNESSEE** **GIANT RED TEXAS STAR HIBISCUS ** (hi-BIS-kus kok-SIN-ee-uss) Giant Red Texas Star Hibiscus This Giant Hibiscus have the largest flowers of any hardy perennials!!!!!!! The blooms of Texas Star Hibiscus are 4 to 5 inches across!!!!!!! Butterflies and hummmingbirds loves them too!!!!!! for nectar!!! Easy-grow, needing only well-drained soil and sun!!!!!! Texas Star Hibiscus dies back in winter, and comes back the next Spring!!!!! It's a perennial, but in colder zones so be sure to cut back and mulch good and they come back real good!!!!!! Pretty perennial flower is the Giant Red Texas Star Hibiscus!!!! Goes well with everything!!!! Zones 4-11 Seed Collecting: Allow seedheads to dry on plants; remove and collect seeds Properly cleaned, seed can be successfully stored