****GROWN ON OUR FARM HERE IN TENNESSEE ***** **** 50 WONDERBERRY DWARF BUSH SEEDS **** Small, dark purple fruit. The ripe fruits are sweet sweet, , have a pleasant berry flavor that is usually used as a flavoring for pies and desserts. Description: Very small shrub, usually growing to only 12-24". The wonderberry can fruit at just 3-4" high. Hardiness: Not frost hardy. Grow as an annual. Growing Environment: The plants are exceedingly easy to grow and care is similar to the tomato, except that wonderberries tend to be less picky about temperature and water, and generally fruit much faster. Can be grown in full or part sun outdoors, or in a sunny window. Sow seeds directly in the ground during summer, or start inside. Germination is best when soil temperatures are above 70F. Keep the soil damp and repot as needed; wonderberry plants need little attention to flower and fruit. #1102