**GROWN ON OUR FARM HERE IN TENNESSEE** **WORLD'S SMALLEST RAINBOW CURRANT TOMATO** Tomato Cherry Rainbow Mix Seeds - Colourful and Flavourful Mixture Amazon Rainbow Currant tomatoes (Lycopersicon pimpinellifolium.LR) This plant produce masses and masses of the "SWEETEST" fruit! You could also try growing them in containers & Hanging Baskets!.....fun for all the family! Kids love to grow these, too! These heirlooms are bursting with flavor! They produce hundreds of sugar packed fruits on indeterminate vines! Health benefits abound as they have forty times as much lycopene as common tomatoes! It is an exceedingly vigorous and hardy variety with delicate foliage and fruits most abundantly. The berries make excellent pickles! A very sweet and tasty treat! 65-70 days Happy gardening!