**GROWN HERE ON OUR FARM IN TENNESSEE!** ***NIGHT JASMINE*** ** MOST POWERFUL SCENT IN THE WORLD** Night Blooming Jasmine, Night Scented Jessamine, Queen of the Night Cestrum nocturnum....An old fashioned scent of New Orleans, when in bloom fills the night air with wonderfully sweet smelling fragrance that's hard to describe. The intensely fragrant blossoms open in the evening producing a cloud of perfume that can overwhelm the senses in high concentrations. This sprawling shrub has glossy, smooth, simple leaves 4-8 in (10-20 cm) long. The long vinelike stems can form a mound up to 12 ft (3.6 m) across, but it seldom gets more than a 5 ft across in cultivation. Night blooming jessamine blooms periodically throughout warm weather. Little greenish white tubular flowers rise from above the leaves all along the stem, followed by shiny white, fleshy berries. Although the flowers are not particularly showy to the eye, their sweet scent is heavenly. Easy to grow and care for. Culture Night blooming jessamine grows best in light, sandy soil, but is not picky about growing in all but the harshest of soil conditions The perfume industry selected the scent of Night Blooming Jasmine as the most sensuous fragrance in the world. Standing near the blooming plant can be quite a heady experience. The best place to plant is the furthest location upwind from where you will spend most of your time outdoors. Like one poster mentioned, on a warm summer night I can smell mine 4 houses away. The 1000's of tiny tubular flowers will bloom all at once blooming 5 to 6 times during the summer. By its scent it attracts numerous Sphinx moths. Looks like nocturnal hummingbirds going for the blooms. During winter the plant dies back to the ground, but readily returns with the first warm weather. This is a very hardy, drought-tolerant plant that loves the heat! E-Z to grow! #1043