At one point the fabric store where I work has had several wild tiger print fabrics in the African wax print section, which inspired me to create this piece. I found a painting of a tiger staring out from a jungle tree which helped me get the shape, though I changed that hind leg from a position held close to the body to being draped down over the tree branch. The head is actually from a different fabric than the body, with a bit of white paint to make the eyes stand out more clearly.

This is one of the few pictures I have framed, having found the right size from what the Framingham Artists Guild had in their store, but its original yellow color did not blend with the picture. I had plenty of the tiger fabric left, so I inserted strips of foam core to make the frame into more of a shadow box and covered it in tiger stripes. Since the work itself has some depth, created by actually stitching it onto a backing piece of foam core, the frame helps to accenturate that depth.



My artwork is treated with a sun-block spray, although prolonged exposure to direct sunlight may eventually cause fading.