FABULOUS BOOK--"ALEX & ME" BY IRENE M. PEPPERBERG--"How a Scientist and a Parrot Uncovered a Hidden World of Animal Intelligence--and formed a Deep Bond in the Process." I remember when I first heard about Alex, the African Grey parrot, back in the 80s. I was amazed what this bird could do--how smart he was, and I determined then that I would someday own an African Grey, like Alex. Decades went by, and I am happy to say that I own an African Grey now and he is every bit as smart and wonderful as Alex was. The story of Alex and Dr. Pepperberg is quite amazing, and for anyone interested in parrots, you will LOVE this book, and will undoubtedly shed some tears. This is my own personal 1ST EDITION copy, read once, and in LIKE NEW condition. A GREAT TRUE STORY!