Two audio cassettes. Nice plastic holder. Additional Details ------------------------------ Product description: About Learning presents the profound differences in how people learn and how these differences can be combined to create high performance learning programs. Discover the consistent and replicable forces behind all quality learning programs and how to put them to work in a variety of settings. For parents, it provides a way of evaluating the quality of their child's school experience by understanding how their child prefers to learn and how this may impact their success in school. For teachers and trainers, it provides a way of evaluating the process of teaching and learning and for using this to design more effective training or instructional programs. For managers, it provides a way of understanding what people need to grow and develop and how to foster this in individuals. For leaders, it provides a way of examining the components of a learning organization, the guiding principles and processes that are present in any setting designed to create high-performance learning. The principles of effective learning apply to a host of communications processes, including instructional design, personal development, motivation and fostering successful change. With About Learning, you'll learn to put these ideas to work for you.