(3) Three Antique Cabinet Card Photographs of George Hayward Skinner Brown, his wife Elizabeth A. Parker, and their son Francis Brown. They include two photos of George H.S. Brown, one taken as a young man, and one as an older gentleman. The third photo is of his wife Elizabeth and their son Francis. All identified on the back with additional information provided below. All photos by Senecal & Senecal studio of Hudson, Massachusetts. Measure approximately 4.25 x 6.5 including mount. Condition: These are original photographs, not copies or reproductions. They have some foxing. Comments: From the reverse side writing on these photos we are also able to report that Geore and Elizabeth were the parents of Roselina H. Brown (who married George E. Robbins), Francis, Annie, Emma, and Lottie. They were the great-great grandparents of David and Richard Sprague.