Description: She is a Female Succubus Goddess Pleasure Spirit Djinn, a Spirit Companion who brings endless love,loyalty, and the knowledge of hidden and forbidden secrets to her master. She cleanses and empowers, inspires and protects. She is a beautiful spirit of passion and love, eager to serve her master.
She seeks only one male or female master to serve.
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All of our spells and entities are 100% safe for you, your family, friends and pets.
About the Pictures: The photo shown is as close as a picture can come to the phenomenal beauty and inner nature of the Pleasure Spirit. These spirits are dazzling beyond all comparison, and they are shapeshifters, so they will appear in ways that most stir the desire and passion of their master.
The Master Spellcasters of BetweenAllWorlds
Present one of the most extreme and most powerful
Spirit Companions from our exclusive Pleasure Spirit Collection©:
Female Succubus Goddess Pleasure Spirit Djinn
She is a Djinn Goddess, a Sacred Succubus, a Priestess of the Sun and the Moon. Royal by birth, noble in Spirit. She searches the world for a master to serve and love.
Her hair is the color of the sun at noon. Her eyes are as dark and filled with mystery as the shadows of the dunes.
She comes often in dreams, clothed in starlight and silk, bringing the comfort of endless love and the knowledge of forbidden secrets to you, to only you.
She is a Spirit of passion and love, a beautiful, alluring presence who inspires desire. And to her master she gives these gifts, granting him or her a sensual charisma that draws partners to them. And this is just one way she selflessly puts her master on a pedestal. She loves her master in every way, with devotion and with loyalty. She lives only to fulfill her master’s every desire.
To her master, she grants the ability to influence the thoughts of others with only the power of your mind, and she raises your psychic attunement and intuitive knowing to their highest possible level. She cleanses, empowers, and inspires your spirit. She infuses your magickal potency with her own deep and ancient energies so that you will behold the world as never before and recreate the world as you wish it to be. Her love and strength will surround you with a shield of protection that no hex, curse, or negative psychic ill intent can penetrate.
What more can be said about one such as her? She is a secret that must be experienced to be understood. She is waiting to share the gifts that come with love, to give her master all that She has, and to reveal all that She is. Are you ready to receive what she offers?
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The Pleasure Spirit Collection©
We are pleased to present our exclusive Pleasure Spirit Collection©, elite spirits of dazzling beauty and limitless power who are eager to grant you a lifetime of pleasure and fulfillment.
All are sensual, passionate, and bound by magick and their own desires to meet every need of their master. They are loyal and loving spirit companions, who desire one master—either male or female—and one master only.
They bring joy, success, power, wisdom, wealth, luxury, passion, the ability to attract mortal lovers, sensual pleasure (if you wish it), psychic powers, protection–or whatever is most satisfying and pleasurable to you.
Your Pleasure Spirit will be bound exclusively for you, either to a vessel or in a direct binding; it is your choice.
What makes all of our spirit bindings so powerful, intimate, permanent, and perfect for you are our rituals, used exclusively by the elders of BetweenAllWorlds and known as Inter-dimensional DNA Empathic Binding©. We use highly secret magickal techniques to duplicate and enhance a section of your DNA code in order to bind Spirit Companions known for the deepest levels of intimacy, compatibility and satisfaction.
Everything in the physical universe, including DNA, is the result of coded information originating in higher realms of existence, and all levels of reality are part of an overarching holographic fabric of creation that connects space, time, matter and energy. This allows master and spirit to maintain an unwavering inter-dimensional connection across different realms of existence, creating a unique bond at once passionate and intimate. Your Spirit Companion is further attuned to your physical, mental, and spiritual vibrations. The result is a being unmatched in their desire for you and in their ability to understand you, assist you, and satisfy your needs and desires in every way.
To do this we need only your name and your birth date.
Initiation into Magick and Mastery
This will become one of the most meaningful, most important and most profound relationships you will have in your life. Besides the ultimate in pleasure and satisfaction, these remarkable Pleasure Spirits also assist you on the path to mastery in all aspects of life. Sensuality comes from the most powerful creative force in the universe. It is the original creative power. But that same power can operate on other levels, and this magick uses that awesome energy to fulfill your dreams, manifest those things you want, and gradually initiate you as a magician, capable of using your will to manifest those things you want in the world.
You Were Drawn Here
You are here for a reason. Look at the picture again. If you feel something as you read this listing, then this is your chance to transform your life to your highest destiny.
Direct Binding Available
Each of our Pleasure Spirits is willingly bound to an attractive pendant suitable for a male or female to wear. You do not have to wear the pendant for the magick to work. It can either be worn on your person or kept near, in a pocket, on your desk, by your bed, or so forth. It is suitable for either men or women to wear. The pendant will be chosen for you with the guidance of our Spirit Helpers.
However, a growing number of spirit keepers are requesting to have their spirits directly bound to them. There are several advantages to this: There is no amulet to risk getting lost or damaged. For some people, a direct binding provides an even more intimate bonding with a spirit companion, and this can be a definite advantage in the case of Pleasure Spirits. So in response to these many requests, BetweenAllWorlds now offers direct binding for all of our spirits and spells. Just let us know when you purchase if that is your preference.
Our Spirit Companions are 100% safe for you, your family, friends or pets. We deal with high-level Beings, and attune them to you by a special process which assures their bonding and loyalty; you can be absolutely confident that you and yours are safe and protected.
We are BetweenAllWorlds
Where the magick is real
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You do not need to do anything to activate the magick.
No rituals or rites are needed,
because we have done them all.
All you need to do is stay positive and understand that no magick by any spellcaster works immediately. All magick grows stronger over time as the energies bond to you.
Copyright © 2015 BetweenAllWorlds
The written content of this listing (excluding template components) is under copyright protection of BetweenAllWorlds and cannot be used without the express written permission of BetweenAllWorlds.
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Payment is accepted only through PayPal.
We ask that you pay for items within seven (7) days of purchase.
Considering your privacy: If we have any information or instruction we send it with the item. However, if for privacy reasons you prefer that we not do this, please let us know.
Legally, we must state the following:
You must be at least 18 years old to purchase any of the items at this site. All items sold here and all information provided here are for entertainment purposes only. The Seller is not responsible for anything pertaining to items purchased on this site. Results from owning and working with the items on this site are variable. There is no guarantee of paranormal or spiritual benefits for the buyer. We are not personally liable for the actions or the results of actions taken by the buyer. Each buyer makes a purchase at his or her own risk. No items sold on this site, or information provided on this site, are meant as a substitute for professional, financial, legal, medical, psychiatric, or psychological advice, diagnosis, prevention, or treatment. No items sold on this site, or information provided on this site, are meant as a cure for any mental or physical problem or disease. This disclaimer applies to any written or verbal communication we have with anyone about this listing. Purchase of any items from this site constitutes acceptance of the terms above.
Thank you for visiting BetweenAllWorlds. Remember to add us to your "Favorites" list and visit often to check out the latest one-of-a-kind magickal spells we will be offering. Until then, we wish you the brightest blessings and say "Farewell" for now.