Track Listing
1. hymn set to a theme by Purcell Christ is Made the Sure Foundation
2. Lord, Is Ended (Tune: St. Clement) The Day Thou Gavest
3. Mighty Savior (Mighty Savior) Christ
4. with Clouds Descending (Helmsley) Lo! He Comes
5. Ye Who Claim the Faith of Jesus (Julion)
6. No. 33 Of the Father's heart begotten (Tune: Divinum Mysterium)
7. A Stable Lamp Is Lighted (Andujar)
8. Song of Gladness, plainsong Alleluia
9. Cross of Sorrow (Cross of Jesus) Cross of Jesus
10. There's A Wideness In God's Mercy (St. Helena)
11. for chorus I Am the Bread of Life
12. Mary (Fisk of Gloucester) Lift Your Voice Rejoicing
13. melody from Divine Companion, 1707) The Head that Once Was Crowned with Thorns (St. Magnus
14. King of Peace (General Seminary) King of Glory
15. Like the Murmur of the Dove's Song (Bridegroom)
16. We Thank Thee (Albright) Father
17. We that Love the Lord (Vineyard Haven) Come
18. How Strong and True (De Tar) O Love of God
19. for chorus & organ I Want to Walk as a Child of the Light (tune: Houston)
20. O Praise Ye the Lord (Laudate Dominum)
21. Ever Living (Abbot's Leigh) Holy Spirit
22. for chorus All my hope on God is founded (tune: Michael)
23. for chorus & organ (or orchestra) Jerusalem ("And did those feet in ancient time")

Contributing artists: John PetersonCraig PhillipsWilliam Wood [Bassoon]
Distributor: Naxos (Distributor)Format: CD
Jan 2009
Record Label: Gothic Records
UPC: 000334907426