Directions: You need 2 people one at each end of the ropes. Take a handle in each hand, slide the ball towards one person. When the ball is near you open arms wide separating the ropes and sending the ball towards the other person (their hands should be "together") Then the opposite person times the separating of their hands to send the ball back. Have fun-go as fast as you can!!! For the best deals on some of the hottest trending items on the internet visit the Aashas Avenue store link!
Includes ONE Brand New Slider Game per order ~ COLOR PICKED AT RANDOM
Have fun at your family picnics/barbecues with this unique toy. Have a contest to see who can keep going the longest (count reps or buy 2 and let people compete!) This fun Slider Game teaches eye hand coordination and cooperation and promotes upper body strength.
Conducive as a kinesthetic, ADHD, Autism therapy and dyslexic toy. Can be used indoors or out!
This toy consists of two 84" nylon ropes with durable plastic handles on each end and a 5" X 8" zoom ball shaped sort of like a football.
Please see Product Details for directions on how to use this toy! For the best deals on some of the hottest trending items on the internet visit the Aasha's Avenue store link!