Shipping Policy |
- Shipping/handle fee is charged based on chargeable
weight (not net weight),
chargeable weight is listed in item description above, s/h fee
rate chart is listed below
- EMS: express mail service, 4-8 days to USA,Canada, UK,
Australia etc., S/h fee to other counties varies
- Standard int'l shipping: 10-18 days to worldwide for
packages below 2kg. S/h fee for packages over 2kg to other
countries than USA varies
Combined Shipping |
- We offer combined shipping for items purchased within a 7
days period. Please don't pay us until all your items end and
let us know first.
- Combined s/h fee is charged based on the total of
chargeable weight
- For example, one order has 3 items:
Item #1, a jade pendant, chargeable weight is 100grams
Item #2, a jade necklace, chargeable weight is 100grams
Item #3, a jade bangle, chargeable weight is 200grams
The total of chargeable weight is: 100+100+200=400grams
As can be seen from the chart below, combined s/h fee by
standard int'l shipping is $9.99, EMS is $24.99.
- Sorry, we do not ship to Italy, Indonesia, Malaysia,
Vietnam, Africa and some remote areas
Registered mail (free online tracking number, $1.5 value) |
All of our packages will be shipped by registered mail
with online tracking number ($1.5 value), sorry
we do not send packages unregistered.
100% Satisfaction Guarantee |
- If you are not fully satisfied with our products, please
email us immediately, and return them within 7 days from the
date you receive them for a full refund. No restocking fee will
be charged.