Angel Reiki For Children And Ethereal Crystals 1 - 12

Angel Reiki For Children

Attunement to 20 Angels helping and guiding chldren in their personal development plus recommendations for semi-precious stones and colours to sooth children's soul.

Archangel links for children is a form of energy attunement that permits adults to attune children to heavenly vibrations at a very specific energy vibrational length that corresponds to the energy virations of children's light being.

Children go through specific phases of emotional turmoil as they first have to adapt to living on the earthly plane. The archangels mentioned in this cours will help them to overcome some of the most common problems and ailments children will encounter in their every day lives.

If there are any children near you suffering from any of the problems described here, just make a praying to the angels who can help with this specific problem. They can also use the ethereal crystals as part of the healing. By using the appropriate stone and in conjunction with Angel Reiki, they will emanate the vibrations that are most appropriate for tackling the specific problem.

Ethereal Crystals I through XII
(sent in four attunements)

Through attunement, you gain access to a specific crystals energy and can channel it by intention. These ethereal crystals have been found to be stronger than those found in the earth.

You can place them on the body by just pointing at a certain area of the body and by thinking the stones name.

The stones will disappear when the energy is no longer needed. Furthermore, you can create powerful gem elixers in seconds and increase the strength in certain gemstones by 400%!

They can be used as a stand alone or combined with other healing methods such as reiki.

Ethereal Crystals Attunements open your channel to receive the energy of crystals directly from the universe rather than through individual crystals. Also cheaper! LOL

You no longer need to buy various crystals to use them for healing self and others. With these attunements, you are now able to access that very energy of the required crystals in your healing process.

With these attunements, you are being attuned to at least 67 different kinds of crystals.

With purchase, 5 distant attunements sent via chi ball; 5 manuals; 2 certificates. Certificates and manuals sent via email.