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The miniZapr (36" Width) for Portable UVC Sanitation.


We answer the synthetic turf sanitation question with the GreenZapr® and miniZapr®. After launching the two Germicidal UVC units, We recognized the need for truly mobile and affordable sanitation solutions for the indoor/institutional market, including sports fitness facilities, nursing homes/assisted living complexes, food-service operations, and hotel/resort properties. The miniZapr is that solution and provides effective control over harmful pathogens by delivering powerful UVC in an easy-to-use, cost-effective solution.

In some circles, germicidal UVC is a new technology. Few know that it has been used by many other industries that now rely on it for sanitation. Developed heavily in the 1920s, UVC technology is now the primary solution when combating micro-organisms. Air, water, and foods are treated every day across the US to secure these important supplies safely and economically.

Defining UVC Portability.

The challenge we faced when adapting the technology to sports turf was its portability and light intensity. Instead of moving material over the static UVC source (as used in air/water purification systems), we had to move the source over the material.

Our solution makes it possible to have true mobility in sports turf settings. It also happens to be exactly what the institutional environment needs and had been looking for.

For UVC light intensity we chose to employ a base reflector module with 8 proprietary, high energy UVC bulbs and a hand-held unit with 2 high energy UVC bulbs. The unit can be powered by an on-board generator (outdoor use) or through a standard 110v wall outlet (with a 50 foot power cord).

Compared to other sanitation techniques, the miniZapr is the most efficient, most cost-effective method available to the institutional maintenance trade.

Quick Facts:

The MiniZapr disinfects all hard surfaces with institutional settings, including counters, tables, hand rails, floors, cabinets, drawers, sinks, toilets, and bath/showers. This is accomplished with powerful germicidal UVC light. Harmful microorganisms such as MRSA, HIV, C-Diff, Staph and Influenza are eradicated through DNA destruction, eliminating the potential for “super bugs.” Reliable on-board power via generator or use of 50’ cord and standard wall outlet, provide the most efficient, cost-effective sanitation method available in the industry.

miniZapr Portable UVC Sanitizer/Sterilizer (960) Specifications:

Main Frame: 12 ga Steel.
Handle: One piece 1 inch round tube with height adjustment.
Length: 38 inches.
Width: 48 inches
Weight: 205 lbs.
Running Gear: 4 pneumatic tires (280/250-4) Ribbed 4-ply with bearings, front gear with 360 degree swivel casters.
Light Module - Base:  1 Static 8 UVC bulb module w/ LED indicators and hour meter.

Light Modula - Portable: 1 Detachable 2 UVC bulb module w/ 25’ power cord.
UVC Bulbs: 10 at 5.3 watt slim line, hard quartz glass lamp envelope with FEP shatter-proof coating and waterproof sure seal lamp socket connection.
Power Source: 1000 watt Honda gas generator or 50’ cord for use with standard wall outlet
Finish: Powder coat with 6-step pre-wash including de-greaser and anti-rust coating
Shipping Crate:  46” x 40” x 25.5”
Crated Weight: 270 lbs.

Did You Know?
Ultraviolet light is electromagnetic radiation with wavelengths shorter than visible light. UV can be separated into various ranges, with short range UV (UVC) considered “germicidal UV.” Short-wave ultraviolet radiation, in the “C” band (200 to 280 nanometers) has been used for over 100 years.
Niels Ryberg Finsen (1860-1904) is first to employ UV rays in treating disease and receives the 1903 Nobel Prize.
UV light in the form of germicidal lamps kill the types of microorganisms that typically cause indoor air quality problems -- bacteria, mold, yeast, and viruses. At certain wavelengths UV is mutagenic to bacteria, viruses and other micro-organisms.
At a wavelength of 2,537 Angstroms (254 nm) UV will break the molecular bonds within micro-organismal DNA, producing thymine dimers in their DNA thereby destroying them, rendering them harmless or prohibiting growth and reproduction. It is a process similar to the UV effect of longer wavelengths (UVB) on humans, such as sunburn or sun glare. Micro-organisms have less protection from UV and can't survive prolonged exposure to it.
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