Shelled Georgia Pecans in a Christmas Gift Container
You are about to purchase a pound of the most delicious pecans ever put in your mouth! That is my opinion, of course, but I've never had anybody complain about my pecans and I have repeat buyers each year.
These pecans come from my yard. It is quite a process to get a bag of good pecans to you. First my husband and I pick them up off the ground and then he sorts them to be sure that there aren't any bad ones in the buckets. We then take them to a sheller and pay to have them cracked and shelled. After that, I bring them home and then I sit at the kitchen table and sort them by hand. I sort out the pecan shells that made it into the bag, as well as any rotten pecans that were missed in the original sorting, and I clean the bitter stuff off. Of course I have to sample them as I work, and as I sort the pecans, I make sure that if I would not put it in my mouth, it will not go in your bag! I have included a photo of my table so you can see my sorting process.
This year is not a good year for pecans here in Georgia. There aren't that many, so I've had to increase my prices, the same as the stores and fruit stands here have done. My prices are competitive with what they are going for here.
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