The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes: Case of Identity Animated Family Movie Dvd



Mary Sutherland, a young woman, visits Holmes to ask for help with finding out what has happened to Hosmer Angel, a man she had fallen in love with and was just about to marry when he disappeared. She explains that she lives with her mother and step-father, James Windibank, the three of them living comfortably on money from her late father. From the fact that the letter Mary received from Hosmer Angel was typewritten and other suspicious clues, Holmes deduces the truth behind the mystery.


He invites Mr. Windibank over for an interview and reveals that he knows that the latter had in fact impersonated Hosmer Angel in order to prevent his daughter from marrying. He had hopped out from the carriage in which he was riding to be married with Mary and so effected a disappearance that would have resulted, with the promise he (as Hosmer) extracted from Mary to never marry anyone else, in Mary's never entering into marriage and thus never depriving him of the family money.






All used  disks are professionally refurbished and test played before shipping and will play  well in most machines.


Disc's are also repackaged (labeled refurbished).


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