200 Cadillacs by 200 Cadillacs Music Album Cd




The generosity of Elvis Presley has been well-documented, but no one before has focused on his favorite gift of choice: a shiny new Cadillac. Now, candid and personal interviews with many of the recipients of these automobiles and other extraordinary gifts paint a touching and funny portrait of a man who continues to be cherished


 200 Cadillacs is an hour-long documentary on the subject of the Elvis Presley's habit of giving away cars to friends--and sometimes complete strangers. Interview subjects (most of them recipients of automotive largesse) include some names familiar to die-hard Presley-watchers: posse member Sonny West, girlfriend Linda Thompson, drummer D.J. Fontana, and many others. There are some good anecdotes offered in the memories, especially stories involving The King handing out Cadillacs to people he happened to see on a dealership lot. But the repetitive observations (Elvis really, really liked giving gifts) and the flat approach make the film feel longer than it is, and a collection of new rock songs--no Elvis music--amounts to padding on the soundtrack. This isn't the worst cash-in on Elvis mythology, but the bummer is that there might be a funny/weird film to make on this subject. And this isn't it. --Robert Horton




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