This magickal ring was serves as the vessel for a very rare, wise male Orange Dragon. Orange Dragons are hybrid dragons – half Gold Dragon and half Red Dragon, which gives them the ability of both types of Dragons. He is approximately 27,000 years old, highly intelligent and always available to offer his amazingly wise advice and guidance. He excels in many areas – astral travel, for one, which he enjoys immensely. He will be an eager teacher for a keeper who is learning this ability or is not yet ready to venture out on their own. He is warm and compassionate – deeply connected to the elements fire and earth. 

He is a magnet for prosperity and love. Red Dragons are one of the most sought after for their ability to bring prosperity and abundance to their keepers and being half Red Dragon he is quite capable in this area! He is also very passionate and can be of great help in increasing desire, vitality and sexual pleasure as well as drawing or enhancing love and romance. He is magnificent to behold – with an overall rich orange color and blood orange wings that glitter of gold. He will often manifest first in dreams, and quite often in flames or any kind, and in his vessel, which warms at the touch. 

Some of the Orange Dragon’s abilities include: 

Love & Romance 

Prosperity & Abundance 

Enhanced Sexuality & Intimacy 

Opening Third Eye 

Increased Psychic Ability 

Magick & Wish Granting 

Good Luck & Good Fortune 

Astral Projection & Travel 

Connection to the Elements 

Spiritual Awakening & Growth

And so much more!