Greetings and welcome, this beautiful ring is the chosen vessel for a rare hybrid Queen, her Father a Gold King Dragon and her Mother a White Dragon, this gives her powerful abilities of both.. Dragons are so magnificent it is hard not to be overwhelmed in their presence, such wisdom coupled with their loyal and protective natures make them one of my favorite companions

This very Rare and majestic Queen is very adept with magicks and will cast and also divine with you, she knows when magick is weaving and will come immediately, she also of course can grant wishes, her power comes from her Gold heritage which also affords her her great wisdom and a wise nature, know that she will right any wrong done to you, usually by speeding up Karma and also does not like to loose, so will make sure you win in any situation you put her in charge of, 

Her nature is pure and deeply loyal, she is a truly majestic and regal creature to behold her skin/scales are still a white colouring but with a tint of shining yellow gold her eyes blue with a deep brown beige around the outer rims, she is larger than a pure white dragon but still retains the elegance and refinement of her white heritage