
Настоящий иллюстрированный альбом "РУССКИЕ ЮВЕЛИРНЫЕ УКРАШЕНИЯ 16-20 ВЕКОВ" позволит любителям искусства познакомиться с одним из крупнейших музеев России - Государственным Ордена Ленина Историческим Музеем. В издание включены живописные портреты соответствующих периодов. Изображенные на них ювелирные изделия не являются аналогами предметов из собрания ГИМ. Задача - помочь читателю в его представлении об одежде, моде, манере носить украшения людьми разных сословий и эпох.

Альбом является уникальной находкой для настоящих ценителей искусства. Он находится в отличном состоянии, кроме суперобложки, которая не сохранилась в первоначальном виде и к сожалению имеет места надрывов. Альбом издательства Москва "Советский художник" 1987 г. , содержит 343 страницы, в жестком чёрном переплете.


There is Album : RUSSIAN JEWELERY 16TH - 20TH CENTURIES From the collection of the Historical Museum, Moscow

The basis for this volume is a collection of jewelery in the Moscow Historical Museum. The ornaments shown in the illustrations are products of different historical periods ranging from the sixteenth to the twentieth centuries. Each period is represented by fine and characteristic examples, giving an idea of the scope and diversity of jeweler's work in Russia. The reproductions are followed with notes. Arranged chronologically at the end of each chapter, they provide information on the type of ornament; the material of which it is made; the technique of execution; the place and time of production; the dimension; the provenance of the work and acquisition number. On the few occasions when the item bears a stamp indicating the exact date and place of production or the name of the craftsman this is specified in the note.

The reference material includes a list of craftsman, workshops and firms that are known to have engaged in the production of jewelery at any period between the seventeenth and twentieth centuries. As the personal marks of jewelers are very rarely found on their works, some names have been included in the list on the evidence of archival documents.

Texts (abridged), notes to the illustrations and glossary are in English.

The Historical Museum built up its collection of jewelery over more than a century. At the initial stages it consisted of archaeological finds and chance acquisitions. A notable addition was made in 1905 when an excellent collection was bequeathed to the Museum by the Moscow connoisseur Pyotr Shchukin. Amongst the items were many gold and silver pieces, some dating from as far back as the fifteenth century. In subsequent years the collection was continually enlarged as a result of purchases, donations and transfers from other museums. During the period 1933-1973 numerous acquisitions came from the State Museum Reserve and the State Depository after being examined and selected by commissions of experts which the Museum was represented by members of its research team.

In recent years many new exhibits sold or donated by the artists who produced them, have been added to the collection of jewelery of the Soviet period.


М.М. Постникова- Лосева


М.М. Постникова- Лосева

16-17 ВЕКА

Н.Г. Платонова

18 ВЕК

Н.Г. Трепольская

19 ВЕК

Г.М. Медведева


Г.Г. Смородинова



Принятые сокращения / Abbreviations

Словарь специальных терминов / Glossary

Словарь мастеров, мастерских и фирм, производивших ювелирные украшения в России / Index of jewelers, workshops and firms

16-17 века / centuries

18 век / century

19- начало 20 века / centuries

Словарь советских художников- ювелиров / Index of Soviet jewelers

Библиография / Bibliography

Список портретов / List of Portraits

Указатель имен / Name index

The album is in GREAT condition, except dust jacket- it is a little damaged. The album has 343 pages, Moscow 1987 y. No doubt you will like this unique illustrated album.

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