Time Radio -
45 mp3
45 mp3 Radio shows and readings from:
ABC Radio Workshop
CBS Radio Workshop
Dimension X
General Mills Radio Theater
NBC Short Stories
Radio City Workshop
Vanishing Point
X-Minus One
Ray Douglas Bradbury (born August 22, 1920)
is an American fantasy, horror, science fiction, and mystery
writer. Best known for his dystopian novel Fahrenheit 451 (1953)
and for the science fiction stories gathered together as The
Martian Chronicles (1950), Bradbury is one of the most
celebrated among 20th century American writers of speculative
fiction. Bradbury's popularity has been increased by more than
20 filmed dramatizations of his works.
Bradbury was born in Waukegan, Illinois, to a Swedish immigrant
mother and a father who was a power and telephone lineman. His
paternal grandfather and great-grandfather were newspaper
Bradbury was a reader and writer throughout his youth, spending
much time in the Carnegie library in Waukegan, Illinois. He used
this library as a setting for much of his novel Something Wicked
This Way Comes, and depicted Waukegan as "Green Town" in some of
his other semi-autobiographical novels—Dandelion Wine, Farewell
Summer—as well as in many of his short stories.
He attributes his lifelong habit of writing every day to an
incident in 1932 when a carnival entertainer, Mr. Electrico,
touched him on the nose with an electrified sword, made his hair
stand on end, and shouted, "Live forever!" It was from then that
Bradbury wanted to live forever and decided his career as an
author in order to do what he was told: live forever. It was at
that age that Bradbury first started to do magic. Magic was his
first great love. If he had not discovered writing, he would
have become a magician.
The Bradbury family lived in Tucson, Arizona, in 1926–27 and
1932–33 as his father pursued employment, each time returning to
Waukegan, but eventually settled in Los Angeles in 1934, when
Ray was thirteen.
Bradbury graduated from the Los Angeles High School in 1938 but
did not attend college. Instead, he sold newspapers at the
corner of South Norton Avenue and Olympic Boulevard. In regard
to his education, Bradbury said:
"Libraries raised me. I don’t believe in colleges and
universities. I believe in libraries because most students don’t
have any money. When I graduated from high school, it was during
the Depression and we had no money. I couldn’t go to college, so
I went to the library three days a week for 10 years."
Having been influenced by science fiction heroes like Flash
Gordon and Buck Rogers, he began to publish science fiction
stories in fanzines in 1938. Bradbury was invited by Forrest J
Ackerman to attend the now legendary Los Angeles Science Fiction
Society, which at the time met at Clifton’s Cafeteria in
downtown Los Angeles. This was where he met the writers Robert
A. Heinlein, Emil Petaja, Fredric Brown, Henry Kuttner, Leigh
Brackett, and Jack Williamson. His first published story was "Hollerbochen's
Dilemma", which appeared in the fan magazine Imagination! in
January, 1938. Launching his own fanzine in 1939, titled Futuria
Fantasia, he wrote most of its four issues, each limited to
under 100 copies. Between 1940 and 1947, he was a contributor to
Rob Wagner's film magazine, Script.
Bradbury's first paid piece, "Pendulum", written with Henry
Hasse, was published in the pulp magazine Super Science Stories
in November 1941, for which he earned $15. He became a full-time
writer by the end of 1942. His first book, Dark Carnival, a
collection of short works, was published in 1947 by Arkham
House, a firm owned by writer August Derleth.
A chance encounter in a Los Angeles bookstore with the British
expatriate writer Christopher Isherwood gave Bradbury the
opportunity to put The Martian Chronicles into the hands of a
respected critic. Isherwood's glowing review followed and
substantially boosted Bradbury's career.
Ray Bradbury married Marguerite McClure (1922–2003) in 1947, and
they had four daughters. To date, Bradbury has never obtained a
driver license.
440518 092 Donovans Brain Part 1-Orson
440525 093 Donovans Brain Part 2-Orson Welles
ABC Radio Workshop Mars Is Heaven
CBS Radio Workshop - Season of Disbelief
Dimension X 50-05-27 0008 To the Future
Dimension X 50-06-17 0011 There Will Come Soft Rains
Dimension X 50-07-07 0014 Mars Is Heaven
Dimension X 50-08-18 0020 The Martian Chronicles
Dimension X 50-09-29 0026 And the Moon Be Still As Bright.MP
Dimension X 51-01-07 0033 Mars Is Heaven
Dimension X 51-07-19 0040 The Dwellers In Silence
Dimension X 51-08-09 0043 The Veldt
Dimension X 51-08-30 0046 Marionettes, Inc.
Dimension X 51-09-15 0048 Kaleidoscope
Escape 500602 - Mars Is Heaven
Escape 510725 - The Earthmen
Escape 531004 - Zero Hour
General Mills Radio Theater (AFRTS) The Whole Town's Sleepin
General Mills Radio Theater AFRTS Zero Hour
NBC Short Story 520104 (26) The Rocket
Radio City Workshop 491016 Duet, Two Stories - The Lake
Radio City Workshop 491030 The Wind
Ray Bradbury - Dark They Were & Golden Eyed
Ray Bradbury - Kaleidoscope
Ray Bradbury - Night Call, Collect
Ray Bradbury - The Fox And The Forest
Ray Bradbury - The Happiness Machine
Ray Bradbury - The Man
Ray Bradbury - The Sound Of Thunder
Ray Bradbury - There Was An Old Woman
Suspense ep271 471113 And So Died Riabouchinska
Suspense ep298 480715 The Summer Night
Suspense ep395 500921 The Crowd
Suspense ep592 550405 Zero Hour
Suspense ep606 550712 Kaleidoscope
Suspense ep751 580518 Zero Hour
Suspense ep834 600103 Zero Hour
Vanishing Point 841102 The Playground
X-Minus One 55-04-22 Audition Show And the Moon Be Still as.
X-Minus One 55-05-08 003 Mars Is Heaven
X-Minus One 55-08-04 012 The Veldt
X-Minus One 55-11-10 024 Dewllers In Silence
X-Minus One 55-11-23 026 Zero Hour
X-Minus One 55-12-14 029 To the Future
X-Minus One 55-12-21 030 Marionettes, Inc.


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