Chinese Herb Actions
- Nourishes Blood and Preserves Yin
- Nourishes Blood and Regulate the Menses
- Nourishes the Ying Level, Preserves the Yin, and Adjusts the Wei
- For night sweating where the Yang moves to the inside of the body during the night, forcing out body fluids. For spontaneous sweating where the Wei Qi is weak and can not properly control the opening and closing of the skin pores.
- Calms Liver Yang and Subdues Liver Wind
- Softens and Comforts the Liver and Alleviates Pain
- For pain, cramps, or spasms in the sinews, tendons, and muscles. Also used to relieve pain in the intercostal, hypochondriac, and abdomen areas.
Chinese Herb Contraindications & Cautions
- Do not use in cases of Yang Deficiency and Cold in the Middle Jiao with symptoms such as diarrhea
- Do not use in patients with rashes that are not completely expressed from External Wind, or with eczema.
- Do not use in postpartum cases with bleeding or Blood Stagnation.
- This herb may cause sedation and drowsiness and should be used cautiously by patients operating machinery.
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information from sacredlotus