WLS #49 fraternity or sorority pledge Written in February of 1996. With approximately 50 signatures.
It looks like a pledge, written down, and then signed by all those in attendance at the time of framing, which was February 1996.
The Pledge reads as follows:

"For The Sisters of WLS #49 --

A new beginning, one of purpose, one of risk. Accepting our greatness, Respecting all life, leading others to the greater good. Created by and knowing our Higher Power we walk with dignity, live in truth, stand in honor, and love unconditionally in the name of global harmony. Embracing our power we commit to creating a world of peace and equality through contribution, courage and integrity. Accepting the responsibility of being women we live as examples empowering the voices of tomorrow, our children.
February 1996

The paper has a heart drawn in the very center, with two hands touching. At the bottom are drawings of 4 children.
In the upper right hand corner is what looks to be the message written in a foreign language.
It is a standard 8 1/2 x 11 inch piece of paper, attached to a larger piece of brown paper, with a cardboard backing, framed in a very nice 11 x 15 inch frame. I have seen something online from a WLS Prairie Farmer Family but this does not appear to connected to that, my item is from some sort of women’s sorority group.