Albina has TRIPLE CAST this AMAZING PENDANT with an "OLDE"spell that is derived from very potent and long held Celtic Magick!!
This amazing spell is called "Kything" and translated from Celt, this means, "to be in the presence of someone." This Magick will allow one to be in "the presence of one, even if this person is not physically present!" When one's love or loved one cannot be present, one can still have a spiritual connection that is strongly tied to the person one wishes to Kythe with!" In other words, one will have a higher connection, telepathic communication, Psychic bond, Send love and strength and remain in the thoughts of this person!! All one must do, is write down the name and birth date of the one that one wishes to Kythe with and place this Magickal for 3 nights on the paper (or wrapped together in white cloth..this works faster) to begin Kything.
Albina explains that "Kything was long practiced in Ireland when couples or families had to be parted. This was a means of keeping love ties and family bonds strong and without "missing" the one's not physically present! However, as we grew away from "Magickal and Mystical" beliefs, many discounted this as coincidence and "dreaming." Yet, Albina says that those who have "held on dear" to this practice have "truly reaped the benefits of Kything with their parted loved ones!!" She says that one will gain:
**A deep Spiritual connection with one's parted love/family member/friend
**a Higher form of communication, telepathy, in which one will find that they can send as well as recive messages, thoughts and even share dfreams with one's love
**A means of Protection as often one will see danger or trouble before one's Kything partner does
**Stronger love and family ties as the bond between the two grows with the closeness and connection from Kything
**Remaining in one's Kything partner's thoughts and dreams
**The ability to send one's energy/strength/love to another quickly through the spiritual bond the two share
*and finally improved relations with one's Kything partner as this higher connection will also heal broken or strained ties!
Albina says that she is "excited' to share this long held spell and she feels that "there are many who will gain great relief, empowered relations and heal rifts!!"
Albina wanted to share these spells that are derived from our history." She notes that one should either wear or carry this piece for at least 2-3 weeks in order for the energies to align with one's own! She sends her sincere Blessings to all who visit! My Blessings to the Amazing Albina for all of her time and talents!!