If you pass white light through a prism, it becomes a rainbow, with all the seven primaries (chakra)
colors of red, orange, yellow, green, light blue, dark blue and purple. Each color has its own
unique healing properties.
Color therapy is used to balance the energy in the areas of our bodies in which our energy levels are not as they should be, whether that imbalance is in our physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual bodies.
Egyptians built healing temples of light over four thousand years ago, and bathed patients in specific colors of light to produce different effects. The colors were produced by passing sunlight through colored glass such as that found in church windows.
One very familiar example of how color heals is in the blue lights that hospitals regularly use as the treatment for newborn infants who have an imbalance of bilirubin, and as result, become jaundiced. In fact, the blue lights are very often sent home with the baby, so treatment can be continued by the parents.
THE SCIENCE OF COLOR THERAPY: Technology in many areas is growing at an explosive rate, including the methods for restoring and maintaining health. Knowledge in the therapeutic field of color has been growing - and the discipline has been eminently successful - since 1920 when it was developed by Dinsha P. Ghadiali.
One verifiable example of its efficacy, which is discussed in his book, Let There Be Light, is the case of an eight-year-old child who was so badly burned that there was an almost complete lack of urine production for more than 48 hours and a fever of 105 to 106 degrees. Even forced fluids had no effect.
Essentially, her doctors gave up, saying her case was hopeless. As a last resort, twenty minutes of color therapy was applied. Two hours later, she voided eight ounces of urine.
Her body had begun to heal! After several months of treatment with color therapy, she recovered completely, with very little scarring.
Scientifically, therapy with colored light makes sense. Light is the visible reflection of the particles in the atmosphere. Color makes up a band of these light wave frequencies from red at 1/33,000 of an inch wavelength to violet (purple) at 1/67,000 of an inch wavelength. Before red on the color spectrum are infrared and radio waves. On the other end, also invisible to the naked human eye, are ultraviolet, x-rays, and gamma rays.
Everyone understands the impact of ultraviolet and x-rays. If these invisible rays of light have their effects, it follows that visible - or "colored" - the light has just as big an impact in its own way.
Another example of the healing power of colored light is with the type of depression that many people struggle with, known as SAD or Seasonal Affective Disorder. SAD is caused by the lack of light during the winter months. Treatment with white light, which is actually all of the colors combined, makes a big difference in how people who are affected by SAD make it through the winter.
Various colors have very complex effects on the autonomic nervous system and can alter physiological measurements like blood pressure, electrical skin resistance and glandular functions in your body.
Even though everybody is essentially the same, everybody is different and unique from every other body. Treatment with color can help your body regain its own state of normalcy. If you are healing from physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual problems, it will help speed the process along.
In cases where more traditional approaches are called for, such as reconstructive surgery, color therapy will hasten to heal, reduce the likelihood of infection, lessen scarring and help the patient maintain a higher level of overall comfort.
One of the characteristics of the human body is electro-chemical emanation - that which is often referred to as our "aura." Living cells produce electrical energy. Our aura is simply a direct reflection of the cellular activity in our bodies and those of all living things. In other words, the aura is the energy being produced by and radiating from, the cells. Color therapy carries energy to the cells and helps to return them to optimum health.
It's pretty obvious how colors affect mood and state of mind, feelings, and emotions. Here's a quick primer on a few of the ways each color affects us. Also refer to the CHAKRA page on this website to gain greater insight into the connection between color and our mind, body, and spirit.
Red Brings warmth, energy, and stimulation. It has a direct effect on the root chakra, and it's good for increasing energy, overcoming fatigue or a cold. It energizes the senses of hearing, smell, taste, vision, and touch, and increases sexual desire and activity.
Orange: This color corresponds to the spleen chakra. It frees the mind and emotions and stimulates your creative side. It increases the activity of the thyroid and helps to relieve muscle cramps and spasms.
Yellow:: Corresponds to the solar chakra. It helps with mental inspiration and helps you think on a higher level. Helps to soothe nerve pains, and can be used for conditions that affect some of the internal organs.
Green: This one connects with the heart chakra. It can be used in treating hormonal imbalances, helps to heal the kidneys, builds up the immune system, muscles, bones, and tissues. And here's a big one - it stimulates inner peace.
Blue: This color works in concert with the throat chakra, which is the primary center of expression and communication. Blue is the color of truth, wisdom, counsel, and guidance.
Indigo: Indigo relates to the brow chakra, which is also known as the "third eye." It can be used to purify the bloodstream and in the treatment of conditions of the eyes and ears. It also governs both physical and spiritual perception.
Violet/Purple: These colors of transformation link with the crown chakra, and help to bring spiritual insights. They slow down an overactive heart and help to build up the immune system. They help with detoxification. Leonardo da Vinci believed that one can increase the power of one's meditation ten-fold by meditating under violet light.