Gambling spells are not the same asĀ money spells, money spells attract money to you from all available sources and money will come to you from the source that gives you money the easiest which is very rarely gambling because gambling has a very powerful force protecting it from interference: The Laws of Chance! It takes a tremendous amount of power to manipulate a game of chance, however Lucifer and black magic can do just that, unlike positive white magic spells that at the most can only sprinkle good luck vibrations over you, and enables you to win a small prize, but that is about it.
My Raising Lucifer Gambling Spell knocks the Laws of Chance unconscious while it seizes the moment to tilt things in your favour, and manipulate the moment when the Laws of Chance has no say over the matter, instead your Lucifer spell does.
This spell has 100% effectiveness worldwide.