This is a Gucci handbag, hobo style, that was authenticated by Castira dot com. They told me it is called Jackie, not to be confused with the Jackie which was released about 2 years ago.
I purchased this bag in the mid 80's at a local store and it is still in the original box.
It is a cream shade trimmed in a caramel leather. The fabric contains the Gucci logo. The strap is adjustable with holes for the buckle.
Because I never thought I would sell this bag, if it came with any cards, I threw them away.
I kept the handbag stored in the box with the sleeper bag that came with the handbag and I just loved it too much to use it. Now, it's a little too small for what I carry around with me.
It has one inside pocket which zips closed. That pocket has Gucci beige fabric lining.
I have more pictures of this bag including the serial number behind the tab that is on the zippered pocket.
I would prefer to receive payment through Google because Paypal takes too much money from sellers. I do accept both.
This bag has to ship with signature required.
Cost depends on how you want it shipped, priority or parcel post. It also depends on distance, weight and size of the box. While the handbag is in a store box, that is not enough protection. Therefore, it will have to be box in a box or handbag in sleeper bag in a box.