hinese Herb Actions
- Opens and Disseminates Lung Qi, Dispels Phlegm, Benefits Throat
Treats cough or wheezing with profuse phlegm, sore throat or pain, and loss of voice or hoarseness. One of the most important herbs for Lung problems. Can be used for cough and phlegm due to Wind-Heat or Wind-Cold
- Dispels Pus
One of the strongest herbs for pus and abscesses in the lung and throat especially if secondary symptoms include chest pain, fever, cough with blood and pus, and thick, yellow, sticky sputum and a foul fishy smell
- Raises Lung Qi and Large Intestine Qi
For diarrhea, rectal tenesmus, anuria, and edema and other cases of Sunken Qi. Directs the actions of other herbs to the upper body.
Chinese Herb Contraindications & Cautions
- Use with caution in cases with chronic cough due to Yin Deficiency
- Use with caution for cough with blood streaked sputum due herbs acrid, dispersing and draining qualities
information from sacredlotus