Peony is a plant. The root and, less commonly, the flower and seed are used to make medicine. Peony is sometimes called red peony and white peony. This does not refer to the color of the flowers, which are pink, red, purple, or white, but to the color of the processed root.

Peony is used for goutosteoarthritis, fever, respiratory tract illnesses, and cough. Women use peony for menstrual crampspolycystic ovary syndromepremenstrual syndrome (PMS), and for starting menstruation or causing an abortion. It is also used for viral hepatitislivercirrhosisupset stomach, muscle cramps, “hardening of the arteries” (atherosclerosis), and to cause vomiting. Peony is also used for spasms, whooping cough (pertussis), epilepsynerve pain (neuralgia), migraineheadache, and chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS).

People apply peony to the skin for healing cracked skin, especially cracks around theanus (anal fissures) that sometimes occur with hemorrhoids.

How does it work?

Peony might block chemicals produced by the body that can cause muscle cramps. It may also prevent blood clotting and act as an antioxidant.

information from webmd