Six DVD Set by Rodrigo 'Comprido' Medeiro  
Since the 1980's Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu has taken the world by storm. The Modern Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu DVD Series features two-time open Brazilian jiu-jitsu champion; Rodrigo 'Comprido' Medeiros and his special guest Romero 'Jacare' Cavalcanti; head coach of the Alliance.   This DVD series brings you Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu in the ultimate state of evolution. Comprido; direct from his native Brazil; explains each Brazilian jiu-jitsu technique in the Portuguese language; which is then translated into English by Jacare as each technique is shown from a variety of angles.

Volume #1 Escapes from Street Situations; Throws and Takedowns  
Volume #2 Beating the Guard Position and Sweeps & Reversals from the Guard
Volume #3  More Sweeps and Reversals from the Guard and Submissions from the Guard 
Volume #4  Beating the Side Mount Position and Escapes from the Bottom
Volume #5  The Mount Position
Volume #6  Attacks from the Back