Shaolin Hung Gar Kung Fu Lar Gar Kuen Lau Salm Ngan DVD Donald Hamby martial art
ID#: VD5284A
Original Price:$35.00
DESCRIPTION: Featuring Sifu Donald Hamby
Martial Arts expert, Sifu Hamby trained under Grandmaster Bucksam Kong and privately under Hung Gar Grandmaster Lam Chun Fai.  In this DVD he teaches many aspects of Hung Gar Kung Fu and Lau Gar Kuen (Lau family fist style) created by Lau Salm Ngan.  The Lau styles have become an integral part of Hung Gar. Characterized by three salutes paying respect, the Lau Gar stances are low and strong and the techniques are known for their devastating striking power. Lau Gar Kuen was infused into the Hung Gar System by Grandmaster Lam Jo to complement the principles of Gung Gee Fook Fu Kuen.