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Celtic Celebration ???? Irish Flair
29 Spirited Celtic Pub Songs on 2 CDs

New and Unused


UPC 096741487323

2 CD Digipak - Released 2014

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Track Listing
1. Mountain Dew
2. You're the Devil Whiskey
3. The Orange and the Green
4. Black Velvet Band
5. Rattlin' Bog
6. The Juice of the Barley
7. Up Among the Heather
8. Three Jolly Rogues
9. Fiddler's Green
10. Drink It Up Men
11. Lily the Pink
12. Star of the Country Down
13. Go To Sea No More
14. The Rake
15. Forty Shades of Green
16. Shamrock City
17. Wasn't That a Party
18. The Parting Glass
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1. The Pipes On the Hob
2. The Irish Washerwoman
3. Sporting Paddy
4. Eleanor Plunkett
5. Pigeon On the Gate
6. The Blackbird
7. The Kid On the Mountain
8. Bridget O'Malley
9. The Virginia Reel
10. The Dionne Reel
11. Carrickfergus
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Image result for irish piper gif  Playing Time: 107 Minutes  Image result for irish piper gif
 The Allegro Media Group is the parent company of the Somerset Group which originally
produced this series of Celtic CDs as well as the Hallmark Cards and Glastonbury CD series.

The song selection is reminiscent of the Clancy Brothers & Tommy Makem.
The recordings are digital CD quality: loud, clear, & jaunty jigs, reels, ballads, etc.

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