Eros Love Blessing !
Eros is the God of Love and relationship.
You can use His blessings to
Bless a new relationship
To make someone fall deeply in love with you
To attract an ex lover back to your life
To make a relationship go to the next step


A blessed bead that we will include in the ritual will be send to you with tracking number to complete the transaction.
Please keep the bead on you or your home to allow the energies to act faster and more efficient.

To cast the spell I will need Names, Birthdays (if you have),

and a few words about your situation.


Casting a spell is something holy for us and you must respect it...
We do it as a coven with all our love and faith to help you.
But a spell casted by us is only the half work
the other half is up to you in order to succeed.
If you don't have faith, you aren't positive about this, you don't believe in this area, you don't have patience then don't expect miracles to happen for you.
A spell can take up to 2-3 months to fully manifest it depends in a lot of things.


Due to the law I must state that
you must be over 18 to purchase one of my items
I sell all of my items for entertainment purposes only