Your booth will stand out with this beautiful red and gold banner. I can take 4 items from your booth to add into the diamond shapes of the banner to give you that One of a Kind Banner.
I do not sell my banners over and over, When a banner is sold, it is not sold again. You will have the only banner like this unless someone else coppies your banner.
I can also create a banner for you with your description and images. Please email me if you have any questions.
I will work with You every step of the way to create a Great One of a Kind banner just for you.
After payment is made, I will email your finished banner link for you to save.
If you wish to purchase this item, click on the buy now, an email will be sent to me letting me know you wish to buy, and I will need to accept it, then you will receive a message so you can finish paying for the item.