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6 telephone power principles that produce dramatic results.
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Right and wrong ways to approach your most prized customers.
The 25 Rules They Don't Teach You in Any Sales Course
A sure Fire Formula for Getting Free Lists of Prospects
How to Handle the Million Dollar Sales Call
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13 Customer Service Facts You must Know to Survive
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And Literally Hundreds More...
The Complete Sales Professional....
Getting and Keeping Customers
How to Make a Positive Impression
Delivering Attention...Getting Presentations
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Overcoming Objections
Exceptional Customer Service
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Transforming Adversity into Prosperity
Staying Motivated for Life Long Success
And Much, Much More !
It covers every aspect of the selling process - from positioning and prospecting to handling objections and closing the sale.
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There are 10 Volumes, each with 2 audio cassettes each. This is a wealth of information, for one very low price! Any business or sales person who aspires to improve their sales results would greatly benefit from this wealth of knowledge!
The Complete Sales Professional
SIDE 1—MASTERING THE BASICS Brian Tracy—The Nine Keys for Sales Success Becoming brilliant at the basics. Evaluating your strengths in these nine key sales areas: personal attitude, personal management, product knowledge, prospecting, identifying needs, presenting, handling objections, closing the sale, and follow-up. Robert Ringer- 25 Rules They Don’t Teach You in Any Sales Course Twenty-five rules you can use to dramatically improve your sales results.
SIDE 2—THE BALANCED SALES PRO Jim Pancero—The Prism Selling Philosophy Developing well-balanced selling skills. Balancing and maximizing the three selling-skill categories. The prism selling philosophy and how to implement it in your selling career. Chuck Reaves—Setting Priorities for Profits The two types of priorities: account priorities and resource priorities. Prioritizing your accounts and resources for time management and productivity.
SIDE 3-TAKING CARE OF YOUR MOST IMPORTANT RESOURCE Layne Longfellow—Your Most Important Responsibility as a Salesperson Taking care of yourself and clients. The “type A” person: one who is focused on his or her work all the time with no time for family or friends. This type of person believes stress and success go hand-in-hand, but too much stress is counterproductive and can lead to burnout. Relieving stress through awareness and support systems. Marilyn Manning—Business Ethics: The Foundation of Your Career The “four-way test”: an effective way of testing ethical standards and of changing policies toward competitors. Important values for success: courage to be moral, sticking with your values in hard times, and resisting pressures for short-term action. Understanding, interpreting, and managing your value system.
SIDE 4-THE BUILDING BLOCKS OF SUCCESS Mark Victor Hansen—Superstar Ideas for Superstar Success Becoming successful in sales by learning from the top salespeople. Four “superstar ideas” and other important sales tips. Adele Scheele - An Action Plan for Success Focus, goal setting, and action. Tricking yourself into getting started on the road to success by working backwards. Getting involved in a professional or philanthropic association to try out the skills you need to develop.
Getting and Keeping Customers
SIDE 1—POSITIONING YOURSELF FOR SUCCESS Nido Qubein- How Do Customers Perceive You? How customers perceive you and what you are selling: your position. Positioning yourself as an expert who provides a valuable service. Ten strategies for positioning yourself for success. Jim Pancero- Competitive Awareness: Your Winning Sales Strategy Understanding your competition’s products and services, their pricing policies, and their selling styles. Asking your customers what they like and dislike about both your and your competitor’s products and services. The three phases all products and services pass through. The two components to a successful selling philosophy: your sdling style and your selling message.
SIDE 2-SURE-FIRE PROSPECTING Gordon Allen—A Formula for Getting Free Lists of Prospects Finding customers that most resemble your ideal customers: analyzing your current customer file to determine your ideal customer; ordering mailing lists from direct-mail list-rental companies; using encyclopedias to find the names of people you identifr as order placers; and checking the yellow pages. Bill Brooks—High-Impact Prospecting Prospecting is a mind-set, not a set of skills. Providing something of value to your customers. Questions to ask yourself in order to help you find qualified prospects.
SIDE 3-COMMUNICATING WITH YOUR CUSTOMERS George Walther - The Million-Dollar Call How six phone-power principles yield high returns. Pressure and planning: the million-dollar sales call. Phone-power principles: aiming high; setting a definite deadline for yourself: getting as much information as you can about the person you want to reach; starting by saying something positive and friendly; getting right to the point; just doing it. Adele Scheele—Skills for Success Enhancing your listening skills. Spending enough quality time with your customers. Preparing for each sales encounter. Mixing business activities with pleasure.
SIDE 4—MAINTAINING THE RELATIONSHIP Jim Cathcart—Selling to Win Sales as a helping process—finding a need and helping the customer fill it. Focusing on the long-term relationship with a customer instead of just the short-term, immediate sale. Thinking of your job as building a profitable clientele. Bill Gibson—How to Collect and Keep the Account Collecting payment for your products or services and remaining friends. Three objectives to keep in mind when collecting: getting the money, not putting the person down, and preserving the relationship. Several non-confrontational approaches to collecting payment for your products or services.
How to Make a Positive Impression
SIDE 1—DEVELOPING A MAGNETIC PERSONALITY Lisa Ford—Seven Skills to Enhance Your Personal Power Personal power: what makes people respond to you and respect you; confidence and control; how you influence others. The ingredients of personal power: know what you want, believe you can get it, and take action immediately to reach your goals. How you can develop your own personal power. Loretta Malandro—Do Birds of a Feather Flock Together? The skill of pacing: the technique that allows you to build a bridge of similarity with all your buyers. Matching your buyer’s words, voice tones, movements, and gestures.
SIDE 2—STARTING OFF ON THE RIGHT FOOT Bill Gibson—Breaking the Ice Ways to quickly build rapport with your customers. Commitment to customer service. Effective approaches that can be used when meeting a new customer. Time and assistance. Looking at prospects as potential long-term accounts. Bill Bethel—The Magic Minute Your First 60 Seconds with a Customer Getting off to the best possible start with customers. The “magic minute”: the first minute you spend with a prospect. Making a good first impression verbally and nonverbally: paying strict attention to attire, opening statements, interest-creating comments, and fact-finding questions.
SIDE 3—BUILDING POSITWE RAPPORT Kerry Johnson- Using Neurolinguistic Programming to Build Rapport and Trust How using NLP techniques can aid the selling process. Visual, auditory, or kinesthetic thinking. Determining right away which type of thinker your prospect is. Building rapport and trust. Two techniques you can use to determine the type of thinker your prospect is and the key techniques that should be applied to each type. Ann Roe—Networking for Sales and Customer Sernce Success Six ways networking can build good rapport with your customer. Increasing your sales as you work with and through other people. Strengthening your network with a variety of techniques.
SIDE 4-PROMOTING YOURSELF Patricia Fiipp—Being a Visible Salesperson Making a memorable impression and increasing your visibility: Long-term thinking. Promoting yourself. Keeping in touch with past customers and getting to know potential customers. Getting mentioned in the media. Establishing a circle of friends in non-competing industries that serve similar customers. Getting involved in your local business community. Jerry Anderson- Establishing Yourself as the Expert Ideas on promoting yourself: writing artides and books, being quoted in a newspaper or magazine, distributing a newsletter, giving speeches, etc. Being good at what you do. Making yourself known as an expert in your community—people will come to you.
Delivering Attention-Getting Presentations
SIDE 1—THE CUSTOMER’S POINT OF VIEW Jimmy Calano and Jeff Salzman- Selling from the Buyer’s Point of View The right and wrong ways to approach your most prized customers. Understanding how your buyers think and feel. Sixteen tips on selling from the buyer’s point of view. The five deadly sins of selling as seen through the eyes of the buyer.
James Lorentzen - Talking the Push Out of Your Presentations Analyzing your customer’s needs before jumping into your presentation. Performing an “appli- cation process”—applying what you know about your customer’s wants, needs, desires, and dissatisfactions. The goal of the analysis stage: building interest. The goal of the application stage: building desire. Closing the sale.
SIDE 2—SELLING VS TELLING Mark Sanborn- Persuasive Presentations Sure-fire ideas to fIne-tune your presentations. Telling rather than selling: a waste of time. The four common presentation weaknesses. The seven objectives you need to achieve before you come face-to-face with the prospect. Four goals you need to accomplish in order to deliver a persuasive presentation. David Dworski—Spotlighting Your Presentation The "3x5 technique.” How to conduct a sales presentation that will ensure success. Important techniques to use and steps to take before and during your presentation so that you can increase your selling effectiveness.
SIDE 3—FINE-TUNING YOUR PRESENTATIONS Ty Boyd—Presentations that Win Fine-tuning your presentation and making it a winner. Lois and Ralph Patton- No Worry Proposal Writing When you need a written proposal, when you don’t, and presenting a winner. Writing effective proposals: a six-step process. Writing a formal proposal that is guaranteed to bring you the success you’ve been waiting for. When you should present your proposal in person, and when you should mail it.
SIDE 4—EFFECTIVE QUESTIONING Tony Alessandra- The Fine Art of Questioning Asking the right questions. Diagnosing customer needs before prescribing solutions. Seven main types of questions: open-ended questions, closed-ended questions, clarifring questions, developmental questions testing questions, third-party questions, and fact-finding/ information-gathering questions. Dorothy Leeds- Smart Questions for Salespeople Using your inquiring mind to ask your way to selling stardom.
Powerful Negotiating & Closing Techniques
SIDE 1—NEGOTIATING SECRETS MaiyJo Huard—All Things Are Negotiable Negotiation: bridging the gap between two different viewpoints without conflict, animosity, or bad feelings. Promoting an agreement that satisfies the needs of both parties. Twelve negoti- ating strategies. Roger Dawson—Power Negotiating The facts about negotiating. The win/win factor: for negotiations to be successful, both parties must win.
SIDE 2—NEGOTIATING TIPS AND TECHNIQUES Mike Wickett- Using Evidence to Eliminate Disbelief Using evidence to support your presentation. Five types of evidence. Effective evidence: relevant to your prospect’s situation, specific, and accurate. Carol Sapin Gold—Games People Play What to do when your customer starts playing games. Developing a method to distinguish between when your customers are playing games and when they are just being the way they are. Maintaining sound and controlled judgement and behavior and trying to elicit a similar response from your customer. Some of the games people play and how to deal with them.
SIDE 3—CLOSING THE SALE, PART I Jim Cathcart- Looking Beyond Getting the Order Assuring satisfaction. Confirming the purchase. Replacing “closing” with “confirming.” Treating concerns as concerns and not as objections. Answering questions in a relaxed manner. Responding to a concern: convert it into a question, change the basis of the decision, or shift the customer’s point of view. The echo technique. The compensation technique. The boomerang technique. Alan Cimberg—How Many Times Should You Ask for the Order? Spotting the buying signals that close more sales. The fear of appearing pushy. Asking for the order at the right time. Buying signals customers make.
SIDE 4-CLOSING THE SALE, PART II Danielle Kennedy - Closing the Sale Fast The true motivation of your customer. Determining what the buyer needs and wants. Some techniques you can use to improve your closing efforts. Zig Ziglar- Secrets of Closing the Sale Developing a sixth sense about how and when to close. The “closing conscience.” Some useful closing techniques. Factors that must be in place before you even begin to dose the sale.
Overcoming Objections
SIDE 1—REDUCING RELUCTANCE Bruce Robbins- Dealing with Call Reluctance How fear of failure can stand in the way of success. Learning to overcome your reluctance to call your customers and prospects by eliminating emotional immobility C. Richard Weylman- Reducing Buyer Reluctance Helping customers overcome their fears. Establishing faith, confidence, and a belief in the value of yourself, your company, and your product or service. Several strategies for overcoming buyer reluctance.
SIDE 2—MEETING CHALLENGES Joan Pastor—Resolving Conflicts Positively Inviting conflict: addressing objections. Specific ways to minimize conflicts once they occur. Areas where conflict occurs for salespeople in other departments within the company. Getting departments to work together more effectively. Three keys to resolving conflict within the company or with the customer. Nido Qubein—How to Boost Your Selling Power An analysis of today’s selling challenges and ways to get around them. Adapting your selling style, strategies, and techniques to the needs of your customers. Interpreting the value of what you are selling. Emphasizing the personal benefits, convenience, and comfort the customer will receive by doing business with you. The six major differences between the customer of today and the customer of yesterday. The qualities of successful salespeople.
SIDE 3-ELIMINATING OBJECTIONS, PART I Tom Reilly—Crushing Price Objections A formula for handling objections. Six strategies for dealing with objections to the price of your product or service. Man Cimberg- Dealing with the Challenges of Today's Selling Climate Justifying your price and selling the customer on your product’s benefits. Feeling comfortable with your price. You get what you pay for. Tips for finding out what really matters to your customer and moving on with the sale.
SIDE 4-ELIMINATING OBJECTIONS, PART II Alan Cimberg—Removing the Barriers to the Sale Overcoming stalls, put-offs, and objections. Feeling good about your own prices. What to do when a prospect says, “Your price is too high.” Tips on how to sell a customer on a product by emphasizing the benefits. Eliminating price objections. Zig Ziglar- Dealing with Objections Dealing with objections and questions. Listening carefully to the entire objection; being pleased that the prospect brought the issue up.Turning the objection into a question. Taking advantage of the question by using it to move the sale ahead. Opportunities for dealing with rejection.
Exceptional Customer Service
SIDE 1—THE SERVICE-ORIENTED ATTITUDE Patricia Fripp—Sales Is An Attitude, Not A Department How your customer’s impression of your company is shaped by the actions and attitude of every employee in your organization. Customer service as an attitude every single person in a company needs to represent to the outside world. Encouraging good customer service. Rewarding outstanding behavior. Michael Ann—What Real Customer Service Is All About Thirteen customer service facts you must know to survive. Delivering what and when you say you’ll deliver. Developing repeat business: why customer service is vital.
SIDE 2—MAKING IT WORTH THEIR WHILE Chuck Reaves- Value-Added Selling Putting more into selling so you can get more out. “Your price is to high” equals "I don’t perceive the value to be equal to the cost.” Adding value instead of lowering cost. Five elements to a successful sales call. Seven principles of value-added selling. Sheila Murray Bethel—Needs-Based Selling Uncovering your customer’s buying motives. Needs-based selling. Finding a need and commu- nicating how your product or service will best fit that need. Four ways to determine these buying motives. Six basic buying motives. Three important steps that you need to take after zeroing in on one or more of your customer’s major buying motives.
SIDE 3—KEEPING CUSTOMERS HAPPY AND COMING BACK Carol Sapin Gold-The ACE formula for Keeping Customers Happy Customer sewice a mind-set that focuses on satisfying people. The ACE acronym: Adaptability; Consistency, Energy. Bill Bethel—What Have You Done for Your Customer Lately? The customer service triangle: follow-up, service, and retention. Giving a little bit extra in customer service. How just a little bit of follow-up service can go a long way in retaining your customers. Tips on follow-up.
SIDE 4-BUILDING CUSTOMER LOYALTY Michael LeBoeuf-Why Customers Leave for Greener Pastures The key to long-term success: providing quality customer service. Rewarding the customer. Strategies on improving the quality of your service, such as treating the customer like a lifetime partner and delivering more than you promised. Common-sense ideas on satisfying and rewarding your customers. Jeny Anderson—Creating Customer Loyalty Earning clients’ loyalty: the secret of success. Thinking “people.” Building a relationship of trust. Providing the benefits that your clients need.
Creative Approaches to Increasing Your Sales
SIDE 1—THE CRFATWE APPROACH C. Richard Weylman—Ten Keys to More Creative Selling Surprising your buyer with creative solutions. Being a creative counselor for today’s individual buyer. Reducing the fears of the individual, finding the problems of the individual, and fIlling the needs of the individual by offering the right solution to today's problems. Defining yourself as a problem-solver. Ten proven tips to becoming more creative. Sherrill Estes—More Than One Way to Sell Mastering six selling situations. Becoming a more proactive salesperson: the creative call, the self sell, the retail sale, the add-on sale, the upgrading sale, and the service sell.
SIDE 2-SENSORY SELLING Mike Wickett- Building Desire through Word Pictures Painting beautiful pictures. Appealing to several senses. How you can use word pictures to build the prospect’s desire to own the benefits of your product or service. Some guidelines for using word pictures effectively. Thomas Faranda-Sensory Selling Why appealing to a customer’s senses pays off. Appealing to the physical senses during your selling process. Three critical aspects of sensory selling: the techniques, the use of the techniques with products and services, and specific information on each of the senses.
SIDE 3-TAPPING INTO THE POWER OF THE MIND Susan Fowler Woodring- Intuitive Selling The interplay of art and science. Creativity and intuition. Six important steps to an intuitive presentation: consideration, collection, cogitation, darification, centering, and consignation. Curtis van Voorhees—Mental Imagery: The Master Skill for Success Tapping into the magic of your mind.
SIDE 4—IMPROVING YOUR BOTFOM LINE Rick Barrera—How to Prospect with Direct Mail Using direct mail: ensuring consistent prospecting and reducing the frequency and severity of selling slumps. Eliminating cold calling. Recognition. Six important strategies for conducting a successful direct-mail campaign. Jack and Garry Kinder—improving Your Sales Results A formula for boosting your sales. Three factors of your performance: the quality of your market, your selling effectiveness, and your activity level. Active listening and skillful communicating.
Transforming Adversity Into Prosperity
SIDE 1—DEALING WITH SETBACKS Denis Waidey—How to Handle Failure Techniques for coping with setbacks and using them as springboards to future success. Failure as a learning experience. Learning from each mistake and moving on. Six important tools you can use to cultivate a healthy approach to failure in your life. Adaptability: five key strategies that will help you develop an adaptable attitude. Sheila Bethel—Breaking Out of a Sales Slump The two kinds of stressors—internal and external—that cause selling slumps. How change and rapid adjustment are causes of selling slumps. Several cures to selling slumps.
SIDE 2—HANDLING STRESS Susan Stephani—Actions You Can Take to Counter Stress How to spot the signals of dangerous stress. Understanding your mind and body’s signals for stress. A quick-fix stress-management technique. Matt Oechsli- Low Pressure Selling in a High-Pressure World Making stress work for you instead of against you. Four stress controlling strategies that will help you turn unwanted stress into creative energy.
SIDE 3—SOLVING PROBLEMS Mike Lipsey—Adversity Selling Reacting and preparing. How to prepare for the worst sales conditions, bad attitudes, and loss of enthusiasm. Setting new goals. Making a plan. The time-tested technique of “Combo Selling.” Transcending trouble. Jan D;Arcy- How to Prepare for Pressure Situations Preparing for pressure situations that call for excellent communication skills.
SIDE 4—REACHING NEW HEIGHTS Matt Oechsli- Winning the Inner Game of Selling Overcoming negative programming. Two important exercises that will help you reprogram your subconscious mind. Bill Gibson—Breaking Out of Your Comfort Zone Seven steps to breaking out of your current comfort zone to achieve greater success. How your comfort zones can hold you back from achieving your true potential. Breaking out of your comfort zone through persistence and discipline.
Staying Motivated for Life-Long Success
SIDE 1—EVERYDAY SUCCESS Joel Weldon- That's Where I Was Aiming Myths and truths about sales luck. Making it happen. The myths of luck and timing. Eliminating the word “luck” from your vocabulary. Accepting the responsibility for your own success. Ideas on how to count on yourself, not on luck. Joel Weldom—Drop Me in Dubuque The “Drop Me in Dubuque” attitude: you can succeed anywhere with no leads, no referrals, no money, and no support. Surviving and thriving no matter what happens.
SIDE 2—RAISING YOUR STANDARDS Nathaniel Brandon—Selling and Self-Esteem The truth about rejection. How stress and the pressures of work can have a devastating effect on self-esteem. Building self-esteem by responding appropriately to the current situation. Ways for salespeople to exercise healthy self-esteem on the job. Pam Lontos—Don’t Say You Can’t Until You’ve Tried Demolishing self-imposed barriers that could be holding you back. Your subconscious mind and reality. Reprogramming your subconscious to live the life you would like to live. What you don’t know can actually help you: a success story. Doing what you would do if you couldn’t fail.
SIDE 3-OVERCOMING FEAR Kerry Johnson - Overcoming the Fear of Success You deserve to be successful. Three techniques for welcoming success instead of sabotaging it. Jim Lorentzen - A Quick Formula for Handling Fear Procrastination: the result of trying to avoid conflict or resistance. Understanding the other person. Doing what we fear most.
SIDE 4—STAYING MOTIVATED Tom Reilly—Your Motivational Profile The difference between motivation and stimulation. Why what is motivating to one individual may not be to another. Questions to determine what you find motivating and to get a clearer picture of your motivational profile. Twelve of the most common motivators. A planning exercise to aid you in clarifying your vision of the future. Nine tips to get you started and keep you going on your journey to the top. Denis Waidey—The Magic of Enthusiasm The power of enthusiasm. Life as a self-fulfilling prophesy. Keeping your eyes open for new opportunities. The energy to strive toward your long-term goals. Developing enthusiasm: what to do and how to act.
Also, be sure to check out our other audio seminar listings including Tom Hopkins "How To Master The Art Of Selling Anything" and "The Academy of Master Closing" and other great seminars on sales and selling as well as many other interesting and dynamic seminars by Nightingale Conant.
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