Plot: Wolverine must reunite the X-Men to prevent a horrible vision of the future...In the late 20th century, mankind began to change. Suddenly, teenagers developed incredible abilities that science classified as the next stage in human evolution. In response, Professor Charles Xavier created The Institute for Gifted Youngsters so the young "mutants" could learn to control their uncanny abilities and live in harmony with the non-mutant members of society. From then on, Xavier's students -- the X-Men -- intervened to protect the peace until a mysterious explosion devastated Xavier's school. Leaderless and without direction, the X- Men disbanded and the man known as Wolverine struck out on his own. One year later, the once fiercely independent Wolverine must reunite the X-Men to prevent a horrible vision of the future where the X-Men have given up on Xavier's mission and the world has fallen into chaos. With great tragedy in their past and their future, Wolverine must lead Xavier's disillusioned heroes against the forces of fate and destiny. Only together can the X-Men steer the course of history away from catastrophe and save us all. 080616-080616P-DVD1
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