For Your Consideration, this is a NEW:
#05 Reversible Crocheted Pin Cushion and Thread Caddy
Are you looking for a unique and different kind of gift for that special seamstress that you know? This is aNEW, (designed & created by me) pin cushion and is very useful for mending or working at the sewing machine.The different color threads keep things organized and in one place. All that needs to be done is adding your straight pins & sewing needles for a one item carry all pin cushion.
The colors are Variegated colors of Maroon, Light Brow & Dark Blue, etc,on one side and Solid Maroon (matching the Variegated Maroon) on the opposite side.
The thread part can be flipped so the solid is on the top. The size is approximately 5 inches in diameter &approximately 2 inches tall. This comes with 10 different color spools of thread. A piece of yarn is threaded thru the spools and into the pin cushion and then tied with a bow. The bow is tucked conveniently behind one of the spools for when a spool is empty, it can be untied and changed.
Please see picture for more accurate detailing. Actually, it looks nicer then the picture shows. I try to explain things the best that I can.
Please feel free to ask questions.Shipping and Handling is via USPS with Delivery Confirmation.(USA Funds Only-OBS Group). I do combine shipping charges for multiple purchases within a reasonable amount of days.

Thanx for looking and please check My STOREfor other items that are listed OR Google "This N That Freelandenterprises" to find me. 

I have more colors of this type of pin cushion, so please check them out.

The following is from a satisfied customer:

Beautifully crafted item. Perfect transaction in every way. Thank you very much!

Crocheted Pin Cushion & Thread Caddy Reversible NEW~Grn (#350180456705)