We offer a 14 day return/exchange policy for our products. You can choose refund or exchange if you are dissatisfied for any reason with your product.
Only factory defects are accepted as a reason for a return. In the case of factory defects, we will replace the product for you
When returning an item, it must be in all of the original packaging and include all of the original accessories or items that came with it. The item and package should be in original and perfect condition. You will be required to cover shipping on the return of defective items.
All returns MUST be done within 14 days of date of purchase. Please note that we cannot give refunds or replacements after the 14 day limit has expired. When sending in a return, please note that it can take up to 7 business days for the return to be processed. We do our best to process as quickly as possible. We are extremely fair, and in the rare event of something out of the ordinary happening with our products or shipping, we will gladly work with you to find a solution.