This listing is for 50 Indian Prairie Plantain / Tuberous Indian Plantain - Arnoglossum plantagineum seeds

Please help me conserve this threatened species!

Minesota Wildflowers reports:

"Tuberous Indian Plantain was once common in the rich, moist prairies of southeastern Minnesota, but the conversion of most of its habitat to agricultural fields threatens its existence. According to the DNR, the continued conversion of what habitat still remains, along with other practices like heavy grazing, mowing and herbicide use, continue the attrition of its already dwindled numbers. It was listed as a Minnesota Threatened species in 1984 and is currently listed as a Special Concern species in Wisconsin. Tuberous Indian Plantain is easily identified by the winged phyllaries on the flower heads."

A perennial in the Aster family, the strange looking green white flowers bloom in June and make seed in July.

Cherokees prized the plant as a poultice for cuts, bruises, tumors and infections.

 Arnoglossum's range goes from Texas, north across the plains and into Ontario.

The plant looks like a Bouquet on the prairie and has no undesired pests.

Indian Prairie Plantain will stand out in your wild flower gardens, and attracts specific beetles and moths.

YOU can make a difference by purchasing these seeds and putting them in your herb gardens.

Lets do our part and help spread this one around.

Thank you!
