Indians, An Activity Book by John Artman

A Good Apple Activity Book


Grade:  4-8

Summary:   This is a fun book. Every activity was created for high student interest and enjoyment. 

It is also a learning book. By doing each activity, your students will be using and studying language arts, history, and geography. Almost every activity has further "spin-off" potential for another similar activity.

Each section includes information for teaching as well as student activities. Sections include:

Arrival and Settlement
Indian Tribes
Indian Chiefs
Fun with Indian Words
Indian Names of States
Towns with Indian Names
How an Indian Was Named
Indian Picture Writing
Seven Dogs--coming of the Horse
Indian Games
Finding and Collecting Indian Articles
and more!

Book Details

Format: softcover

Condition :very good; previous owner's name on title page

Publisher: Good Apple

Extra Details: reproducible student pages