Can be used to help support coughs, insomnia, stomach and intestinal disorders, joint pain and much more. - Stir 1/4 of a teaspoon into a glass of water and consume 3 times daily,with meals. - The TerraVita Premium Collection uses only the finest, purest and most potent plant extracts from around the world. - The TerraVita Premium Collection is hallmarked by the highest possible standards of purity, potency, stability and freshness. - Bugleweed Powder (1 oz, ZIN: 510978): European Bugleweed (Lycopus europaeus) - *Note: Product is North bugleweed Lycopus virginicus - Bugle in Britain is not the bugle of North herb gardens - there the name refers to species of Lycopus (gypsyweed). The European expectation is of a low creeping, plant making an undulating quilt of shining, ground-covering leaves from which grow spikes of flowers 6 or more inches high on the typical square stem of a labiate. Purple-blue dead-nettle flowers appear in whorls, each whorl supported by a pair of l
Bugleweed Powder (1 oz, ZIN: 510978): European Bugleweed (Lycopus europaeus) - *Note: Product is North bugleweed Lycopus virginicus - Bugle in Britain is not the bugle of North herb gardens - there the name refers to species of Lycopus (gypsyweed). The European expectation is of a low creeping, plant making an undulating quilt of shining, ground-covering leaves from which grow spikes of flowers 6 or more inches high on the typical square stem of a labiate. Purple-blue dead-nettle flower
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Binding: Health and Beauty
EAN: 0064435109783