Hot tea brewing method: Bring freshly drawn cold water to a rollingboil. Place 1 tea bag for each cup into the teapot. Pour the boiling waterinto the teapot. Cover and let steep for 3-7 minutes according to taste(the longer the steeping time the stronger the tea). - Iced teabrewing method (to make 1 liter/quart): Place 6 tea bags into a teapotor heat resistant pitcher. Pour 1 1/4 cups of freshly boiled water overthe tea. Steep for 5 minutes. Qua - Feverfew Herb Tea (25 tea bags, ZIN: 427652): The main uses of Feverfew are to help support migraine, fever, rheumatic and skin complaints, and gynaecological disorders. - Feverfew - Chrysanthemum parthenium (L.) Bernh. [= Tanacetum parthenium (L.) Schultz-Bip.]. - Family: Asteraceae. - Other Names: Grande camomille (French); Mutterkraut (German); partenio (Italian); matricaria (Spanish). - Description: A perennial herb of about 0.5 m in height with erect stems bearing lobed, aromatic leaves and attractive flower heads. The he

Feverfew Herb Tea (25 tea bags, ZIN: 427652): The main uses of Feverfew are to help support migraine, fever, rheumatic and skin complaints, and gynaecological disorders. - Feverfew - Chrysanthemum parthenium (L.) Bernh. [= Tanacetum parthenium (L.) Schultz-Bip.]. - Family: Asteraceae. - Other Names: Grande camomille (French); Mutterkraut (German); partenio (Italian); matricaria (Spanish). - Description: A perennial herb of about 0.5 m in height with erect stems bearing lobed, aromat

Additional Details

Binding: Health and Beauty

Part number: 427652

MPN: 427652

EAN: 0064434276523

UPC: 064434276523