An effective diuretic, expectorant, emmengagogue,carminative,anti-spasmodic, hypotensive, aperient - Hot tea brewing method: Bring freshly drawn cold water to a rollingboil. Place 1 teaspoon of tea for each cup into the teapot. Pour theboiling water into the pot, cover and let steep for 2-4 minutes. Pour intoyour cup; add milk and natural sweetener to taste. - Iced tea brewingmethod: (to make 1 liter/quart): Place 5 teaspoons of tea into - Parsley Root Tea (Loose) (8 oz, ZIN: 510842): The fresh herb is a rich source of vitamin C. Health-wise,Parsley has three main areas of usage. Firstly, it is an effective diuretic, helping the body get rid of excess water. The second area of use is as an emmenagogue stimulating the menstrual process. It is advisable not to use parsley during pregnancy as there may be excessive stimulation of the womb. The third use is as a carminative, easing flatulence and the colic pains that may accompany it.
Parsley Root Tea (Loose) (8 oz, ZIN: 510842): The fresh herb is a rich source of vitamin C. Health-wise,Parsley has three main areas of usage. Firstly, it is an effective diuretic, helping the body get rid of excess water. The second area of use is as an emmenagogue stimulating the menstrual process. It is advisable not to use parsley during pregnancy as there may be excessive stimulation of the womb. The third use is as a carminative, easing flatulence and the colic pains that may accompany it.
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Binding: Health and Beauty
EAN: 0064435108427