This is a brand NEW OEM ORIGINAL Fuel Pump Assembly for MOST NISSAN Outboard 25 to 70 horsepower (2 stroke) engines.

Replace NISSAN Outboard part number:
356-04000-1,356-04000-0, 356-04000-1M, 356-04000-0M (IMPT: check OEM part number before purchase!!)

Fits NISSAN Outboard models:

This FUEL PUMP ASSEMBLY is manufactured by OEM Original Manufacturer Co (Japan) for TOHATSU Outboard Engine. Hence GENUINE quality is assured!

You get exactly Original Japan-Made Fuel Pump Assembly seen in the picture with packaging, at an absolutely Great price!! You will not get the same Genuine Tohatsu Outboard quality Fuel Pump Assembly elsewhere for such a good price!!!!!!! (retail price outside USD 90+)

The picture is exact evidence of my description of this product, TRUE GENUINE QUALITY, UNBELIEVABLE GOOD OFFER PRICE =)

Thank you for viewing

Estimated time

  • United States : 7 - 13 days (excluding weekends)
  • Great Britian: 6 - 12 days (excluding weekends)
  • Australia: 5 - 12 days (excluding weekends)
  • Germany: 6 - 13 days (excluding weekends)

For countries not stated here, please email/contact us for the estimated delivery time.

Note: Item will be sent as registered article with tracking number

On Feb-14-14 at 01:22:47 PST, seller added the following information: