This Kit saves you $54.98 off the retail price of these 7 products combined (a hefty 25% savings)!
1. Facial Glow Cleanser
What it does:
This 100% natural Cleanser, Scrub, and Mask allows you to use it in a versatile way to treat whatever your skin problems currently are, and keep your skin looking radiant every day. Using the gentle bleaching, deep cleansing, and pore shrinking properties of these customized all-natural ingredients, your skin will have a squeaky clean and dramatic glow! The lips become rosier, softer, plump and fully-hydrated after using this transformative skin whitening soap! I send out a "1-time-use free sample" of this powder in every customer package- that's how much I believe in it's gorgeous, immediate results! One try... and you've discovered the greatest All-in-one face cleanser ever created for YOUR skin!

2.  Natural Skin Bleach (your "Dark Spots Fader")
What it does:
This concentrated natural skin bleach sinks in deeply, to assist in the interruption of newly forming melanin, deep within the cells (halts the skin's darkest pigment-making process). It also attacks the pigment that exists on the top layers of skin by deeply exfoliating and bleaching the surface skin. It's a double-duty treatment that provides super-fast, visible results for even the darkest of skin colors! This is an All-in-1, unique product with antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and concentrated bleaching properies!

3. Rebuilding Lip Plumper
What it does:
This 100% natural serum sinks deeply into all 7 layers of the skin (only one rare ingredient can do that)! It micro-delivers beneficial nutrients into deep-tissues on a cellular level, effectively boosting the body's own collagen production from the inside! This lip rebuilding treatment promotes rapid new cell production on the inside AND outside of the lips! An added benefit of new cell production is self-exfoliating lips, much like the lips that children have- always plump, soft, and never chapped! This natural product is revolutionary, and replaces lip injections- naturally! It's even safe to use on wrinkles around the mouth- on the smile lines, chin, neck, or other lower-face areas- that have lost their natural underlying collagen! No more injections in those zones! I use it on my lower face, too!

4. Eyelash & Brow Serum
What it does:
This grows thin eyelashes and eyebrows longer and denser- fast! By optimizing the skin with these unique natural ingredients, you'll grow the most thick, shiny, rich natural color, super-healthy hairs that you can possibly grow- anywhere you apply it!
Sometimes we temporarily lose the density of our lashline because of damaging eye and skin products, with no nutrients being fed to the eyelashes, either. My product balances the scales for your hairs, no matter what chemical-containing products you use. It's so powerful- that you won't have to change/eliminate any chemical or alcohol-containing products like: make-up setting sprays, waterproof mascara, make-up removers, face soaps, facial toners, facial moisturizers, sunscreen moisturizers, dark circle eye treatments- or anything potentially damaging your chance of growing hairs! Just add this product to your routine, and that's it!

5. Nose and Pore Shrinking Mask
What it does:
This clear leave-on mask overall shrinks any puffy sides and tips of bulbous noses. Though it is applied to the entire nose, it mostly affects the lower-half of the nose. This cannot remove broken noses/bumps at the bridge of the nose. Those are bone and immovable, nor can it alter deviated septums, since that is also bone at the center of the skull's nose cavity. It can, however, lessen the appearance of crooked, or malformed noses, by streamlining the pliable skin tissues with the constriction this mask provides. Additionally, if your nose has grown large or puffy from:
-the onset of a more oily complexion
-sleep deprivation
-daily alcohol consumption
-using coconut oil, emu oil, flax seed oil, or borage oil as a moisturizer (these oils swell the nose and/or eye bags)
-or from other inflammation auto-immune responses within the body
... then this soothing mask will help your nose to deflate from any extra swelling factors, too. It helps the nose, and it's pores- to noticeably shrink and constrict to their smallest possible format, creating a more refined-looking version of that nose's natural character. The most dramatic changes occur at the bottom edges and nostrils of the nose. This 24-hour leave-on mask affects the skin of the nose in both small and large-scale ways:

-PORE SHRINKING. It helps the body to shrink the opening width of large pores, making a more tight, uniform pore landscape across the nose. Pore shrinkage affects the overall appearance of the face, because the nose is our central facial feature. Because this is a 24-hour leave-on mask that you re-apply every time you cleanse your face, the nose pores won't sieze an opportunity to fill up with excessive oil again, or expand to their old width. Once you start, the nose just looks tighter and I'd say," A little more dainty" with each day.

-DRIES UP EXCESS OIL. This mask adds an extra drying effect on excessive oil-production from the pores. Blackheads, that are the "wet oils" or squishy type (which must be pushed out of the pores) will have their deepest "wet oil" sucked up to the surface and hardened by the mask- for easy removal. The "wet oil" blackheads will become like the "hard oil" blackheads type (which come out with pore strips or by a fingernail scratching the surface). This shrinking nose mask helps the body to create "hard oil" blackheads (if the pores attempt to make any), facilitating an easier uprooting regimen, if necessary. This mask helps the pores to remain small, and prevents excessive oil-holding, which is a reason why pores become and remain large.

-PRE-MAKEUP PORE FILLER. This works as an excellent invisible pore-filling primer to use prior to applying makeup. If your nose has large pores that detract from your beautiful makeup job, then this nose shrinker All-in-1 that can make your makeup end-result appear flawless.

-TIGHT GIRDLE. It's so effective at tightening the nose area, that it pulls in protruding nose tips closer to the face! This gives the nose a thinner appearance, definition, and a sharper look to the tip. No matter what facial expressions you make- to crinkle or stretch your nose- nobody will know that you're wearing an extra mask layer- whether you cover it with makeup or not! It's thin, it's clear, practically invisible, and it's an ultra smooth nose-toning mask that moves with your skin. It teaches nose skin to become tighter- in all it's dimensions!

6. Natural SPF 50 Beauty Oil (your "Day Moisturizer")
What it does:
This is a max-concentrate oil moisturizer to help the body rejuvenate, fighting all the signs of aging. It's the most comprehensive All-in-1 beauty oil out there- with natural, and even Organic ingredients! This is a delightful oil formula that sinks into skin 100%, and it's immediate! You will also immediately see it's super-concentrated anti-dark spot agents effect the skin- achieving a new level of even-toned radiant glow for your skin! This helps the skin to gradually repair and remove many types of blemishes- all at once- like: fine or deep wrinkles, loose sagging skin, large pores, blackheads, postules and bumps deep within the skin, red or growing acne, dark acne scar discolorations, acne scar indented pitting, age spots, freckles, sun spots, other skin hyperpigmentations, overall puffy facial skin, small skin tags, gray lips, wrinkled or chapped lips, and wrinkled or spotted neck or hand skin! Every day is a "beauty facial" with this amazing multi-tasking oil!

7. Anti-Aging Oil Moisturizer (your "Night Moisturizer")
What it does:
This is a max-concentrate oil moisturizer to help the body rejuvenate, fighting all the signs of aging. It's the most comprehensive All-in-1 beauty oil out there- with natural, and even Organic ingredients! It contains proven resurfacing acids that are the gentlest acids for the skin, and this is formulated to be safe for daily use, even twice daily! These acids stimulate collagen production deep inside the skin- even ideal for dry skin- as one ingredient is famous for being able to hold more water than any other natural substance on earth- an unmatched cellular humectant (water-attractor) that promotes smoother, softer, skin with decreased wrinkles! This is a delightful oil formula that sinks into skin 100%, and it's immediate! You will also immediately see it's super-concentrated anti-dark spot agents effect the skin- achieving a new level of even-toned radiant glow for your skin! This helps the skin to gradually repair and remove many types of blemishes- all at once- like: fine or deep wrinkles, loose sagging skin, large pores, blackheads, postules and bumps deep within the skin, red or growing acne, dark acne scar discolorations, acne scar indented pitting, age spots, freckles, sun spots, other skin hyperpigmentations, overall puffy facial skin, small skin tags, gray lips, wrinkled or chapped lips, and wrinkled or spotted neck or hand skin! Every day is a "beauty facial" with this amazing multi-tasking oil! This oil also helps the body to achieve rapid and scarless wound healing, because it super-charges the healthy formation of new and dividing cells faster than any other moisturizer- naturally! This oil has ideal ingredients for your anti-aging skincare routine to be productive and rewarding- just moisturizing your face!

*Please visit the individual pages of each product included for more details.

My Service vs. Others:
1. IT'S PERSONAL. My hand-made, highly controlled small-batch, potent-quality, finest-ingredients products come from my house- to yours! I am the inventor. The person selling it- is the person making it- is the person shipping it- is the person in the "BEFORE & AFTER" photographs (or my family)! Are other products/companies this personal?

2. HELP OTHERS. Customers can come back to THIS "manufacturer" to give their personal thanks, testimonials, feedback, and recommendations! Because I use my products, I see them from a customer's viewpoint, and I value my customers. My customers/product fans can also change people's lives- by personally referring them to these products, posting their "Before and After" photos, blogging, or creating video reviews!

3. BEFORE & AFTER PICS. My written testimonial, and must-see "Before and After" photos- are a one-of-a-kind endorsement about my products! Finally... tried-and-true beauty products for you!

*Join my Facebook page "DevotedThings" for alerts whenever I post new Happy Customer pics, which are constantly coming in to me!

4. YOUR 1-STOP-SHOP. Make sure to look at all my various 100% natural hair growth promoting products for different needs! I have many natural "must-have" skin products, too! I'm coming out with new products for the hands, nails, and body!

5. ETHICAL. When you buy from me, you're supporting "the little guy" and a family! This is a female-owned small business. I'm an American, and I buy my supplies within the USA only. I buy Organic whenever possible. You can trust me from the quality, reliability, and faithful purity standards of my products.

6. EXPERIENCED. Most of my ingredients are expensive. I have already paid for these products for myself- repeatedly! You'll receive the finest things from my products, because I get the best ingredients for myself, my family, you, and everyone else! There are low-quality imitations of these special ingredients out there- bad stuff that you wouldn't even know to avoid! I've found the finest brands and forms of all my super-concentrated ingredients, and I pay top-dollar for Organic ingredients!

7. HOLISTIC PLANTS. You know how almost all products out there... have only 1 or 2 "Active Ingredients"? They can take forever to work, or be so diluted with chemicals that they never do work! My products? These specially-chosen herbs help your body to heal itself in all the layers of tissue- holistically! This is why my natural products have such loyal customers! Get completely devoted- to something that's natural, and worthy!

8. GIFT-WRAPPED. All my packages are gift-wrapped by hand! I add a cute personal touch you'll rarely find with other sellers! I ensure that YOU have a pampered and positive experience when you do business with me! YOU will live up to my brand's name, "DevotedThings", with each treat you get from me, because I'll devote that thing- to you- with care! *If your first name could either be a woman or a man's name, or is exotic, please leave a note on your order to let me know your gender- so that my wrappings are appropriate!

9. SATISFACTION GUARANTEE. If you're not satisfied with this product within 30 days- you have my 100% Money-Back Guarantee!

10. EXCLUSIVE BENEFITS. My customers receive exclusive offers for free products, discount coupon codes towards future purchases, and rewarding on-going perks... to help customers achieve their beauty goals long-term!

Customer Benefits:
1. FREE shipping domestically within the USA! I DO ship internationally!
2. Fast next business day order shipment! Your package goes out to the post office within 24 hours. My standard USA shipping method gets it into your hands within 4 business days or less!
3. I gift-wrap your order, include a free product sample, and include another freebie- so you'll never forget me!
4. Full instructions (that are detailed and "fool proof") arrive with your package, also, of course!
5. Inside your package, you'll find discount coupon codes towards your next order! Returning customers never pay full-price again!
6. I encourage you to keep in touch! Let me know how it's going? E-mails are answered within 24 hours- promptly, courteously, and thoughtfully!

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~A man has joy in an apt answer, and how delightful is a timely word!- Holy Bible, Proverbs 15:23

Prices subject to change with inflation (so stock up now)!   
This natural kit product's statements and this product have not been evaluated by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration), and are not intended to treat, cure, or diagnose disease.
There are testimonials for these products, however, individual results may vary.

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