Cruse removal

 Below Are 12 Classic Signs Of A Curse...

  1. Sudden, unusual, and constant “bad luck.”
  2. Physical, psychological, and emotional fatigue, which is not alleviated with sleep, eating, exercise, or even medication.
  3. Sudden financial difficulties.
  4. Vivid and terrifying nightmares.
  5. Sleep paralysis repeating for at least 3 consecutive days.
  6. Dwelling on depressing or even suicidal thoughts and feelings, inconsistent with your natural emotional and mental state.
  7. Family and friends distancing themselves from you for no reason.
  8. A constant sense of anxiety, not traceable to any mundane source or circumstance, but a sudden sense of impending harm.
  9. The disappearance or deaths of household pets.
  10. Unexplained family deaths.
  11. An increase in peripheral entity-detection; seeing “shadow people” more often and in greater numbers than is normal.
  12. An increase in poltergeist activity in your home or work place.
If you get one of above, then, you need this spell...
Curse Removal Note
  - Curse will be removed day by day, and it will take 30 days.
. I will cast the spell during 24 hours.

Send me your name and DOB (Required!)
. Your photo (If possible).


1. When can  I see the result of the spell?
During 30 days.

2. Can I get money back if the spell doesn't work?
Yes, after 30 days, if the spell still not work, please contact me and I will make refund for you.

- You will receive photo (JPG) of performed RITUAL

Legal disclaimer: The law requires that all paranormal items such as spells or psychic readings be sold for entertainment purposes only. I cannot be held responsible for anything that happens or does not happen as a result of this spell. My service should never be considered as a substitute for medical, legal or psychological advice. 

Positive feedback rating Excellent, very sweet man. Buyer:
Member id ( Feedback Score Of 1138Red star icon for feedback score in between 1,000 to 4,999)
During past month
  Spell Casting (Curse Removal, Love, Career, Luck) by Eric (#161663158670)
US $10.00
Spell Casting (Curs, Removal, Love, Career, Luck) by Eric
Positive feedback rating Tells it like it is!! I would definitely buy from him again. Buyer:
Member id ( Feedback Score Of 1101Red star icon for feedback score in between 1,000 to 4,999)
During past month
  Spell Casting (Curse Removal, Love, Career, Luck) by Eric (#161663158670) US $10.00 Spell Casting (Curse Removal, Love, Career, Luck) by Eric
Positive feedback rating Eric is very  truthful! Buyer:
Member id ( Feedback Score Of 258Teal star icon for feedback score in between 100 to 499)
During past month
  Spell Casting (Curse Removal, Love, Career, Luck) by Eric (#161663158670) US $10.00 Spell Casting (Curse Removal, Love, Career, Luck) by Eric
Positive feedback rating If you don't get the solution you are looking for it is YOU that manifested it A++ Buyer:
Member id ( Feedback Score Of 1030Red star icon for feedback score in between 1,000 to 4,999)
During past month
  Spell Casting (Curse Removal, Love, Career, Luck) by Eric (#161663158670) US $10.00 Spell Casting (Curse Removal, Love, Career, Luck) by Eric
Positive feedback rating The spell works! I am quite satisfied, and the seller is very quick, thank you!! Buyer:
Member id ( Feedback Score Of 28Yellow star icon for feedback score in between 10 to 49)
During past 6 months
  Spell Casting (Curse Removal, Love, Career, Luck) by Eric (#161663158670) US $10.00 Spell Casting (Curse Removal, Love, Career, Luck) by Eric
Positive feedback rating The spell work for me! ty Buyer:
Member id ( Feedback Score Of 226Teal star icon for feedback score in between 100 to 499)
During past 6 months
  Spell Casting (Curse Removal, Love, Career, Luck) by Eric (#161663158670) US $10.00 Spell Casting (Curse Removal, Love, Career, Luck) by Eric
Positive feedback rating Very good service. Buyer:
Member id ( Feedback Score Of 117Teal star icon for feedback score in between 100 to 499)
During past 6 months
  Spell Casting (Curse Removal, Love, Career, Luck) by Eric (#161663158670) US $10.00 Spell Casting (Curse Removal, Love, Career, Luck) by Eric
