DREAM LIGHTING spell Cast for you by 94 year old Witch
Albina will cast her amazing spell called "The Dream Lighting spell". Albina says that this very POTENT spell will allow one to "incubate" dreams, calling on specific dreams that apply to one's waking life, promotes a dream oracle to send and receive answers to questions, offers Prophetic dreams, solutions and insight and finally dramatically enhance restful sleep, grant great spiritual protection and banish nightmares! She says this spell call allow one to dream about solutions and "key" information that grants:
Albina says that "the manner in which this spell helps to put an end to insomnia alone is a truly A PRICELESS power because without rest, one's Magickal and psychic power can suffer as a result!! She says that this spell has three great elements :
1) Dream Oracle- Albina says that this initial element will allow one to "ask for specific assistance" and call upon "certain subjects" by either focusing on what one wishes to dream about and receive help with, or by writing on a piece of paper what one needs assistance with and placing near one's bedside. Then she says one may send and receive answers from many different "higher" sources such as Angels, guides or spirits in the form of dream visitations. She then explains that most often one will be granted a divine conversation with these higher beings in which information is freely exchanged much like a waking conversation! She adds that "this is an enhanced form of an encient technique that was used in healing temples when patients were asked to call upon healing energies via dreaming!!
2) Crystal Dreams- This next element will grant one the ability of enhanced psychic and prophetic dreaming by drawing in the energies that promote "advancing one's natural psychic abilities especially when one is in a deep sleep". She says one will be able to "envision and dream about future endeavors, events, solutions and insightful information about problems in one's life". She also says that this element can promote "lucid dreaming", inwhich one remains conscious, if one meditates for a while. Still, she says that these episodes are usually brief, spontaneous and do not offer the deep insight and details one is granted during sleep. Albina does want me to note that often during prophetic dreaming, truths are often revealed and many unexplored areas of oneself come to light as well. This information can be extemely helpful in "allowing one to move forward or in a better direction in order to advance amd achieve one's greatest desires!"
3) Lighting Dreams- This final element allows one"enhanced sleep, protection of one's spirit and the elimination of nightmares". This element provides these "gifts" by drawing in as Albina calls them "great healing lights" (energies which are pink to those who can visualize them). These immensely potent energies will not only grant one "uninterrupted sleep patterns" thay will also "deter any negative or harmful energies or entities from intruding the bearer's energy field. She adds that one will gain restful sleep, a calming of nerves and fears and lastly, a force of healing energies that cleanses one's physical and spiritual bodies or past and present pain and damage. As a result, one will be restored and recharged with greater power and strengths as one sleeps as well as being granted the ideal enhanced dream state in order to send and receive messages while sleeping and remember one's psychic dreams when awake.
I send my Blessings and LOVE to Albina for all of her AMAZING time and efforts!!!